Cheat codes for safecracker game

Its user interface is divided into three main parts: tabs for selecting the type of assistance required on the top and performing other required tasks, list of games on the left pane and explanations about the selected game on the right pane. Skip to content Share Tweet Pin 0 shares. Contents Spear: black thorn Dutchman crew characters single player Pirates fear 25 points Latest cheat-code tracker includes. Madden Nfl Cheats, Pc. Workshop: The first safe we want is in the corner to the left.

You see a dangling key pad from it with a note on it. That's the code. The problem is, the keypad doesn't do what it should. Each key has a sequence of 5 numbers it repeats, but never the one labeled. So once you know the sequences its easy, you have to prime the numbers first then enter the code. Here is the table that displays you which key has what sequence. It starts with he first number that appears when you press the keys from starting the puzzle fresh.

The first row is the keypad number, below in the column are the numbers it will conjure up. Return to the study and turn to your left to the door. Enter the card into the slot and look at the panel.

Enter and the door will open. Go straight though the service stairs into the dining room. Click it and you will get the message there is a safe there. Turn to your left and you see 4 paintings on the wall. Check the picture you have from the Main sitting room safe. Now rearrange the pictures to match the photograph. Move the very left picture to the very right. Now move the picture from the middle to the very left and exchange the positions of the last two pictures. The safe opens and you get a letter.

There it states that the laser will open it by 8 nm under the color of a buttercup yellow. Return to the workshop. If you put it at its red, if you turn it to its yellow. At it opens up. You get a small gold key and a T shaped key.

Exit the workshop, turn left in the museum and go straight through the small corridor first room with a puzzle you solved turn right into the small sitting room and use the T shaped key on the safe there. Take the piston, then go through the winter garden and main sitting room to the service stairs, then up the stairs. Keep hitting up until its at the top most position. Then simply hit once down, and once up, repeat that and it will level in the perfect position. Get the special pipe key.

Go down the stairs and again down into the basement. You have to make sure that all lights on the left are lit up. To easy show it to you, i numbered the dials on top from 1 most left to 7 most right and then the dials on the right from 8 top to 14 bottom. Click the dials in this order, if its numbered multiple times click it that many times: 11, 10, 8, 8, 5, 3, 3, 2, 12, 12, 12, 13, Go to the puzzle at the wall.

You have to do a special path from the top left to the right upper side where its a bit more to the right than any other lights. The rules are simple. You have to trace a path there, but for one, you have always a green light and then an unlit one in between. Also you cannot go around a corner unless the green light is exactly in the corner. You have to place 23 lights for this puzzle to solve, so i will guide you through it to where the next light is going to be placed.

You will notice fast when it changes or a corner is made: down, down, down, down, up right, up right, down, down, right, down, right, up, up, up, up left, up left, up left, right, down right, right and right. You get the brass key and the GPS key card. There is some sort of machine. Place the piston you got from upstairs into the middle position.

Now access the panel on the right hand machine. The goal is to fill the middle piston to the marking 4 marks. Here is how to solve it: Large to medium, medium to small, small to large, medium to small, large to medium, medium to small. The fountain will start running, but we are not ready for this yet.

Instead go up, through the dining room and use the brass key on the door there. Turn right unbolt the door to the kitchen ahead and right again and go down the corridor. To your right is a laser door. Use the special pipe key on the access panel and you see wires. If you look closely they resemble numbers. The priority is regulated by which one is on top. You should see the number after a bit looking and type it into the pad that will open the laser door.

Go to the table and then, simply switch that thing off to the left. The safe will open. You get the snooker rules and the green magnetic card for the game room. Lets go there then. Turn around into the corridor straight is the blue room, we go there later.

Turn left back to the stairs keep going then turn left where you can see the billiard table. It looks like some racing thing. Enter the GPS card and turn the key. Now you have to drive through the virtual map on the screen, although nothing changes.

So simply hit the directions as follows: right, left, right, right, left, right, left, left, right, left. The machine will spit out a piece of paper with on it. Before we pay attention to that, lets try something else. Go to the panel on the wall. There is a key card slot for the green key card you have to enter. The code is not what you got from the paper, its different. Take a look at the table walk around it and note which balls are in the pockets.

Now check the snooker rules. You should notice two red ones missing and the green and the black. Get the latest Safecracker: The Ultimate Puzzle Adventure cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides …. Its user interface is divided into three main parts: tabs for selecting the type of assistance required on the top and performing other required tasks, list of games on the left pane and explanations about the selected game on the right pane.

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