Children and games christian aid

Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Email Address. Facebook Twitter Google. Christian Aid: Football — A beautiful Game? Introduction Play different versions of football — football-rounders no bat needed, just kick! Discussion Why is football so popular? Kick Off Make two cards for each job and each weekly wage on the list below. Child Labour Read the following summary report aloud, or photocopy it for small groups.

Why or why not? Player Profiles Photocopy or read aloud the following player profiles. Activities In pairs, have your group act out a post-match interview — one takes the role of one of the players above, and one the interviewer.

Make sure they take time to think up the questions and to get into role. Alternatively, they could take on the role of a football commentator, describing each player in turn. Have your groups compare the different experiences of the players. In what ways has football helped them to overcome their difficulties? What benefits can you get from playing team sports? Print off pictures of the new football from www. Discuss the arguments for and against fair-trade footballs. Think about the effect on the workers who make them, the cost for teams in the UK, and the standard of the footballs they make.

Get the group to write to the manager of a football team — it could be your local club, your school team or the professional side you support — telling them about these fairly traded footballs, and requesting that they use them. As an alternative, mock up a magazine advert promoting the new fair-trade footballs. Or get the group to act out a TV commercial. Useful websites Global March Against child Labour — www. Submit a Comment Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

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Kenya: Registered refugees and asylum-seekers as of 31 December - reliefweb. South Sudan: Refugee Population as of 31 December - reliefweb. World: Food prices approaching record highs - reliefweb. Jordan: Resettlement Dashboard December - reliefweb. Somalia: Radio Ergo audience feedback report, 13 Jan - reliefweb. Bangladesh - Shocks, agricultural livelihoods and food security: Monitoring report January - reliefweb.

Diaspora organizations and their humanitarian response in Tunisia real-time review - reliefweb. South Sudan: Monthly population Statistics December - reliefweb. South Sudan: Refugee population - Jamjang as of December - reliefweb. World Vision Zambia: Annual Report - reliefweb. Afghanistan: Overview of Natural Disasters as of 9 January - reliefweb. Afghanistan: Conflict Induced Displacements as of 09 January - reliefweb. India: Odisha Government, WFP to bolster food security of small farmers by boosting climate resilience - reliefweb.

We are a partnership of people, churches and local organisations committed to ending poverty worldwide. A popular and highly interactive game that gives an insight into what life is like for poor people trying to earn a living. Focusing on poor children in India, this game challenges pupils to find out if they could survive on the streets of Kolkata. Using real cost-of-living prices and wages, players can get an idea of how they would manage if they had to survive making and selling paper bags.

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