Computer science certificate programs boston

The Undergraduate Certificate is intended for students whose preparation in Computer Science is insufficient for admission to the Master's program and for students who are mainly interested in computer applications, or in a certificate program instead of receiving a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science. Please note: Due to the prerequisite structure of the courses it may take two years to complete the Certificate.

Below you will see program roadmap outlined by semester. University of Massachusetts-Lowell offers 3 Computer Science degree programs. It's a large, public, four-year university in a large suburb.

In , Computer Science students graduated with students earning Bachelor's degrees, 49 Master's degrees, and 9 Doctoral degrees. Boston College offers 1 Computer Science degree programs. It's a large, private not-for-profit, four-year university in a small city. In , 77 Computer Science students graduated with students earning 77 Bachelor's degrees. Wentworth Institute of Technology offers 3 Computer Science degree programs. It's a small, private not-for-profit, four-year university in a large city.

In , Computer Science students graduated with students earning 96 Bachelor's degrees, and 5 Master's degrees. University of Massachusetts-Boston offers 2 Computer Science degree programs. It's a large, public, four-year university in a large city. In , 54 Computer Science students graduated with students earning 45 Master's degrees, and 9 Doctoral degrees. Bridgewater State University offers 2 Computer Science degree programs.

In , 36 Computer Science students graduated with students earning 26 Bachelor's degrees, and 10 Master's degrees. Search suggestions. Or instructor's consent. For undergraduates only.

Includes pipelining, ALUs, caches, virtual memory, parallelism, measuring performance, and basic operating systems concepts. Discussion of assembly language instruction sets and programming as well as internal representation of instructions. This course provides a robust understanding of networking. It teaches the fundamentals of networking systems, their architecture, function and operation and how those fundamentals are reflected in current network technologies.

Students will learn the principles that underlie all networks and the application of those principles or not to current network protocols and systems. The course explains how layers of different scope are combined to create a network. There will be a basic introduction to Physical Media, the functions that make up protocols, such as error detection, delimiting, lost and duplicate detection; and the synchronization required for the feedback mechanisms: flow and retransmission control, etc.

Overview of operating system characteristics, design objectives, and structures. Topics include concurrent processes, coordination of asynchronous events, file systems, resource sharing, memory management, security, scheduling and deadlock problems. Students with prior programming experience must also complete five additional computer science courses 20 credits at the to level, selected with the advice and approval of an advisor. Students without prior programming experience must also complete MET CS Introduction to Programming 4 credits and four additional computer science courses 16 credits at the to level, selected with the advice and approval of an advisor.

Logarithmic, exponential, and trigonometric functions. Sequences and series; Taylor's series with the remainder. Methods of integration.

Calculus I and II together constitute an introduction to calculus of a function of a single real variable. Second-order equations and first-order systems. Linear equations and linearization. Numerical and qualitative analysis. Laplace transforms. Applications and modeling of real phenomena throughout. Matrix algebra, solution of linear systems, determinants, Gaussian elimination, fundamental theory, row-echelon form. Vector spaces, bases, norms.

Computer methods.


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