Download cutthroats game
While most of the game did take place on dry land, there was quite a bit of plot, and a lot of color in the locales that made the game, and the characters it involved very believable. Though the dive for the treasure was exciting, it was certainly not the focus of the game, and not the most memorable part. While not one of Infocom's best games, it is still entertaining to play, and as it offers two shipwrecks the divings of which are the only difference, as the rest of the plot remains the same , the game is somewhat replayable.
Good if you enjoy real-life treasure hunts that are more "close-to-home" and present day than Infidel though it is not as hard , Cutthroats is worth playing. How to run this game on modern Windows PC?
Contact: , done in 0. Search a Classic Game:. Much frantic clicking ensues as you attempt to take out enemy ships, while fighting the direction of the wind at the same time. Triumph, and their booty is yours. Fail, and you sleep with the fishes. Of course there's far more to Cutthroats than boats shooting at each other at sea. Land battles can be initiated, new ships can be bought and old ones sold, port Governors can be bribed or intimidated to meet your needs although this more often than not results in an early demise , treasure can even be buried and dug up when the time is right.
But despite this apparent originality, depth and detail, Cutthroats is quite a dull and painful game. The main problems lie with the repetitive nature of the gameplay, the slowness of the combat especially on land , and the long-winded menu system. Having to constantly chop and change from map view to crow's nest view, combined with the laborious and convoluted process of re-supply, soon makes Cutthroats a tiresome and tedious experience.
Despite these faults, Cutthroats is not a complete failure and is fairly well presented albeit in a not entirely convincing, old-skool 'Amiga' kind of way , with good music and decent atmosphere.
Big-time pirate fanatics and budding historians cum real-time strategy nuts may find something of worth here, but your average PC gamer will undoubtedly lack the patience to get their money's worth out of Cutthroats. It's common knowledge that all pirates have an annoying parrot on their shoulder and at least one wooden leg. We know that, at pirate school, they learn to speak in loud guffaws peppered with unintelligible 'oohs' and 'aarrhs', how to carry large knives clenched between their teeth, and the best way to make people walk the plank.
At least, that's the misguided image that adventure films and other forms of light entertainment have fed us. And it's one Hothouse director Rob Davies is quick to dispel.
In real life, they were more like a well-honed, well-drilled army. That's the way we portray them in Cutthroats. We researched what these guys were really like, moving away from all those Peter Pan ideas like walking the plank.
Pirates never did that, it's just something that Hollywood made up. Cutthroats is set in the 17th century Caribbean, the natural habitat of these often-misrepresented hard men of the sea. It's the age of the Spanish doubloon, newly-founded colonies, merciless plundering of the natives' resources and power struggles.
As Rob says: "It's such a good time to set a game in because there are all these different nations at war - the English, the French, the Dutch and the Spanish. The pirates were professional mercenaries stuck in the middle, switching allegiances to suit their needs. So you might be fighting on behalf of the English at one point, then switch to supporting the Dutch.
It's a ready-made world that's really good fun to play around with. From what we've seen so far, Cutthroats couldn't be more varied - further dissolving the popular image of pirates as one-dimensional caricatures. Besides sea battles, boarding other ships, pillaging towns and other activities normally associated with buccaneers, you also get the chance to trade and explore. Whether you want to play as Captain Pugwash or Blackbeard is entirely up to you.
Download 83 KB. Play in your browser. Description of Cutthroats Matthew Murray's short review of this underrated Infocom game: "An adventure game with an objective much different than that of typical adventure games, Cutthroats was a treasure hunt of a unique sort, as the treasure was beneath the waves.
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Download 82 KB.