Effective communication tools for organizations
In this pandemic era, your staff might be scattered all over the globe, with various departments operating from different countries, catering to customers far and beyond. Time is the essence of any business, and meetings need to be coordinated so that information is economically imparted to the necessary parties. In some organizations, communication between employees needs to be direct, as some organizations do not necessarily follow a strict hierarchy of management.
In such a scenario, we look towards online communication tools and services. This is so because setting up a business online has become more of a necessity. It is relatively convenient and inexpensive, with a relatively efficient way of marketing products found on the internet.
You can use these online marketing communication tools to promote your online presence. Business communication that takes place today is instantaneous and online, thanks to laptops, smartphones and tablets. Effective communication involves feedback and a constant flow of information for the attainment of goals and objectives.
Image Source. Various types of business communication take place in an organization. Upward communication is the flow of information from the subordinates to superiors, making sure that the management hears organizational grievances, productivity suggestions, feedback, and many more topics. How else would employees be able to communicate and address concerns to the management? Downward communication is an exchange of information from top to bottom, i.
This includes transmitting instructions, decisions, obtaining feedback, providing motivation, among other things. Horizontal communication is the flow of information from and to people of similar ranking in an organization. External communication is when employees communicate with customers, shareholders, competitors and other external entities.
Here are some online communication tools that you, as a business owner, can use to improve your online business communication. Image credit. Slack is an online communication tool that aims to cover all aspects of a workplace, such as kicking off a project, over-viewing hiring process, reviewing business performance, and more. You can also integrate productivity tools and applications Trello, Google Drive, Dropbox with Slack, such that conversations in linked apps can be viewed at one place.
You can present all information about a particular topic on time within a channel, which is viewable by teams. These teams can be divided based on their departments, clients, and skills. Team members can also engage in video calls, which is a substitute for in-office meetings, mostly when the team members are scattered all around the globe.
As a business owner, you can conduct calls with one or all of your team members, to stay updated on their work progress and to answer their queries. Learn more about Slack. Image source. This tool makes sure that work happens anywhere, anytime. You can set up private meeting rooms within Cisco WebEx, wherein you can send your web address to people you want to connect with. It is also possible to set up events using WebEx, where groups of to can connect simultaneously, with multiple presenters broadcasting information.
Cisco WebEx also can arrange for online training centres, where you can participate in lectures and even interact with others using response tools. Email remains an important mode of online communication in an organization.
It is an integral part of work-life. One of the best email marketing providers is Mailchimp. It is a cloud-based email marketing solution that helps businesses of all sizes to design, automate and manage marketing campaigns across various email platforms and ad channels. Some of its leading features include marketing automation, segmentation, social media advertising features, landing pages advanced analytics, app integration and data insights.
Mailchimp offers a free plan. It is suitable for small businesses. Although several researches have been made on communication as a tool for effective organizational management, most of these studies have been focused on educational environment, manufacturing industry and the public sector with very few assessing its impact in the managerial process of financial institutions.
This study set out to bridge this gap by examining communication as a tool for effective management with reference to the Nigerian banking sector. Also, this study also sought to assess the impact of communication tools, styles and quality on the effectiveness of management process in the bank under review. The specific objectives are; 1. To assess the impact of communication tools on the effectiveness of management in Union Bank Nig.
Plc 2. To examine the relationship between communication style and the effectiveness of management in Union Bank Nig. Plc 3. To examine the impact of the quality communication on the managerial effectiveness in Union Bank Nig. Plc 1. What is the impact of communication tools on the effectiveness of management in Union Bank Nig. What is the relationship between communication style and the effectiveness of management in Union Bank Nig. To what is the impact of the quality of communication on the managerial effectiveness in Union Bank Nig.
H Communication tools have no impact on the effectiveness of management in Union Bank Nig. Plc H There is no relationship between communication style and the effectiveness of management in Union Bank Nig. Plc H The quality of communication has no impact on the effectiveness management in Union Bank Nig. Therefore, good communication is a necessity for achieving coordinated result. As an academic research, this study is of great importance as it represents a humble contribution to knowledge and can be used as bedrock upon which further studies on communication can be based.
However the study is limited to examining communication as a tool for effective management in Union Bank Plc. Makurdi branch. After payment you will get the full project or call or email sammyceaser1 gmail. Copy all our topics and give to your friends.
Track team productivity, prioritise the most relevant and important queries and collect valuable customer feedback that can help in improving your products, services and customer relationships. An internal blog is also a good option. This is not something your customers and competitors will be able to access. The internal blog is a place where employees can share ideas and experiences fast and in an informal fashion.
Internal blog advantages can include:. With the exponential rise in remote and hybrid working arrangements, video conferencing apps have exploded in popularity and have enabled organisations to continue operating with staff working away from the office. Conferencing apps enable people to schedule video or audio meetings with anywhere from one person for a meeting to thousands of people for a company-wide communications update.
Video conferencing is much more engaging than standard phone calls and makes it much easier in group situations to determine who is speaking. Attendees can also share their screens and files, and for these reasons are a great alternative to face-to-face meetings with external contacts such as clients, partners and suppliers.
Some video conferencing apps such as Zoom Meetings also allow you to change your background to a virtual background of your choice. Effective communication between staff working across different locations and hours can be challenging, but it can be done.
You just need to start exploring the different technology available and decide on which is right for your organisation. Remember, you do not need to settle for one tool. Start by choosing a tool that can become the base for your communication needs. For example, many organisations implement an intranet platform for their internal communication needs as it enables organisations to set up team workspaces , easily find staff information including areas of expertise, deliver personalised news and information to different staff members, set up security permissions to ensure the right information is read by staff with the right access levels and more.
Then, they integrate other communication tools into their base platform such as Skype for Business, Facebook, YouTube and so on. This enables organisations to offer a centralised communication and information ecosystem for their staff!
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