How to apply patch in oracle 10g in windows
Nov 24, Hello, Developer Suite 10g If you absolutely must have Developer Suite 10g This document provides supplemental instructions and requirements for installing Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 Oracle has tested this combination and provides this document to list additional requirements, complementing the Windows Installation Guide and Release Notes. The above Certification Guide has all certifications for Windows platforms.
This document outlines the extra steps required to install and be certified on Windows Vista and Windows The included Windows platform versions have been released after the Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 If installing on the included Windows platforms before reading this document, you will get a similar error from the Installer:.
In order to correct this, review the following installation requirements and known issues while installing Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 If you get the above message and your Windows platform version is not included here or within the Certification Guide, it is not certified. Oracle Application Server 10g Patch Set 3 The Like this: Like Loading Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:.
Email Address never made public. Follow Following. Smart way of Technology Join other followers. Sign me up. Already have a WordPress. Log in now. Note this updates OPatch to 1. When downloading, choose your actual platform in use and the correct OPatch version for your Oracle home.
For Oracle Application Server 10g, select the version as " Do not use OPatch Before using OPatch utility, you should verify what version is installed with "opatch version" command.
Note that the After downloading, it should be simply extracted into the Oracle home over the old version. Then, check the "opatch version" again, and compare with the version listed in the readme file. A Patch Set may also update to a newer 1.
It is suggested to apply the newest It is not recommended to go to a newer Java SE 6 version or 32 to bit unless your applications require it. Note that important fixes including security vulnerability issues are fixed with 1. There are no plans to certify Java SE 7 with Below are some documents in particular interest to Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 It is recommended to review each on before deciding a maintenance plan for the Java SE installed:. You should continually install these updates to secure your installation.
Look for the latest update, and an associated Oracle Fusion Middleware Patch Availability Document, which will contain the latest patches to apply to your Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 The table below lists the Oracle Application Server Patchsets available for each platform. Table OPatch Commands. Installs n number of patches hence napply. Refer to "napply Command" for more information. Lists what is currently installed on the system. Refer to "lsinventory Command" for more information.
The apply command applies an interim patch to a specified Oracle home. Use following syntax for this command:.
Table apply Command Options. Specifies how many seconds to wait before attempting to lock the inventory in the case of a previous failure. You can use this option only if you specify the -retry option. Removes conflicting patches from the system. If a conflict exists that prevents the patch from being applied, you can use the -force option to apply the patch.
Specifies the location of the oraInst. This option is needed when the -invPtrLoc argument was used during installation. Oracle recommends using the default Central Inventory for a platform. Specifies the location of a particular JDK jar to use instead of the default location under the Oracle home directory. You cannot use the -jdk and -jre options together. Specifies the location of a particular JRE Java to use instead of the default location under the Oracle home directory.
Specifies that the OPatch utility should patch the local node and update the inventory of the local node. It does not propagate the patch or inventory update to other nodes.
You can use this option on Oracle Real Application Clusters environments and non-clustered environments. If an entire cluster is shut down before patching, you can use this argument for non-rolling patches. This option only applies to Oracle Real Application Clusters environments. You cannot use it with the -local option or a rolling patch. Specifies to error out if the current patch bugs-to-fix is a superset or the same as an installed patch bugs-fixed in the Oracle home directory.
Bypasses the inventory for reading and updates. You cannot use this option with the -local option. This option puts the installation into an unsupported state. Specifies that the OPatch utility need not update the files in the system. It will only update the inventory. This option does not perform any make operation. You can use it during multiple patch applications and to perform the linking step only once. OPatch does not keep track of the make operations it did not perform.
You need to make sure to execute OPatch without this option at the end for compilation. Marks the end of the post option. This option is used with the post option. If this argument is not used, everything after post is passed into post.
Marks the end of the pre options. This option is used with the pre option. If you do not use this argument, everything after pre is passed into pre. Specifies the parameters to be passed inside the post script besides the standard parameters. Specifies the parameters to be passed inside the pre script besides the standard parameters. Table Napply Command Options.