Install centos raid 0
Also recommend you to read tutorial on LVM. RAID0 or striping, requires at least 2 disks to be configured. When both disks have been partitioned, we can examine them using.
You can see the disk is available create a partitioning. Now create the partition for two disk by typing below command:. Check the block details, Execute the following command to check it. The output shown below states that the disks have no previous RAID partition in the target system. Now check the status of RAID level by typing below command:. You can also verify the status of RAID level by executing the following cat command as shown below.
Mount permanently md device using blkid command and copy the UUID number. Edit the fstab file using vim editor and enter the copied UUID number in the file like below:. The device is mounted successfully and to verify the status of the device, run the following set of commands. Ubuntu does not support rpm packages, but the MegaCLI install package can be converted for use with Ubuntu by using Alien.
Depending on how these techniques are implemented, different RAID types and levels can be established. To learn more, check out our article on RAID levels and types. Before you configure any disks, make sure to delete any previous configuration you may have on them. The following commands will allow you to do so:.
To configure disks as RAID 0 which will strip data across two or more disks, use the commands:. In this tutorial I will use the hostname server. This is pretty easy with CentOS 7 as you only need to transfer the iso image file using dd :. When the welcome screen of the CentOS installer appears, choose your language and just click on Continue.
CentOS installation is now similar to Fedora's one, where we have to complete all items before to be able to click on Begin Installation button. You can also choose a network location, which is useful if you have a local mirror of CentOS packages or if you are using the NetInstall iso image.
Bear in mind that this is REALLY a minimal selection of packages, you most likely want to the install "Base" group using yum after installation process is completed to get some additional administration tool.
Enter the hostname of the server, then click on the Configure Then click on the Add button next to the Addresses area to set a static IP address.