Linksy router wrt54gl setup
In order to password protect your wireless network first use the Security Mode dropdown box to select WEP and then from the WEP Security dropdown box select bits 26 hex digits. Choose a password between 6 and 8 characters and type it into the Passphrase box. Then click Generate. Finally click Save Settings and then Continue when the Settings are successful dialog is displayed.
You may also select WPA encryption, however not all network cards support this, so check your documentation first. Now click on the Edit MAC Filter List button to pop up a new window shown below where you will enter the MAC Address, also known as Physical Address, for each computer that you will be using to connect to your wireless network. If you don't know how to get this information follow the steps here. Once you have finished, click the Save Settings button at the bottom of the Filter List window and then Continue when the Settings are successful dialog is displayed.
You may now close the Mac Address Filter List window. Finally click on the Administration tab at the top of the page. Change the default password for accessing your wireless router setup pages by typing a new one into the Router Password field and then confirming it. This should be a different password than the one you setup for WEP encryption, but should also be atleast 6 to 8 characters in length.
Click the Save Settings button at the bottom of the Filter List window and then Continue when the Settings are successful dialog is displayed. If you encountered any problems during this configuration procedure, please consult the manual that was included with your router or contact the manufacturer.
In cases where it is critical, accessing information through the Software is not a substitute for direct access of the information in the home. The warranties and remedies set out in this Agreement are exclusive, and, to the extent permitted by law, in lieu of all others oral or written, express or implied.
You agree to strictly comply with all export control laws and regulations and agree not to export, re-export, divert, transfer or disclose any portion of the Software or any related technical information or materials, directly or indirectly, in violation of any applicable export law or regulation.
All U. Government users acquire the Software and user documentation with only those rights herein that apply to non-governmental customers. Use of either the Software or user documentation or both constitutes agreement by the U. If any portion of this Agreement or any of its terms is found to be void or unenforceable by law in a particular jurisdiction, such portion or terms shall be interpreted and enforced to the maximum extent allowed in such jurisdiction, and the remaining provisions or any part thereof will remain in full force and effect.
This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between Belkin and you with respect to the Software and your use thereof and supersedes any conflicting or additional terms contained in any purchase order or elsewhere. No provision of this Agreement may be waived, modified or superseded except by a written instrument signed and accepted by Belkin and you. However, the Belkin Privacy Policy referenced herein is subject to change in the manner described in that document.
Belkin may provide translations of this Agreement as a convenience to users. However, in the event of a conflict or inconsistency between the English and any non-English versions, the English version of this Agreement shall govern, to the extent not prohibited by local law in your jurisdiction. Any suppliers of Belkin shall be direct and intended third-party beneficiaries of this Agreement, including without limitation with respect to the disclaimers of warranties and limitations on liability set forth herein.
Other than as set forth in the preceding sentence, a person or entity who is not a party to this Agreement shall not have any right to enforce any term of this Agreement. No failure or delay in exercising any right or remedy shall operate as a waiver of any such or any other right or remedy.
The language of this Agreement shall not be construed strictly for or against either party, regardless of who drafted such language or was principally responsible for drafting it. The rights and obligations under this Agreement are not assignable by you, and any attempted assignment shall be void and without effect.
This Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the parties and their successors and permitted assigns. You have the right to opt-out of this mandatory arbitration provision. If you opt-out, you will retain your right to file a lawsuit. If you do not opt-out, you will have agreed to the mandatory arbitration set forth below.
In order to opt out of mandatory arbitration, you must i mail written notification to Belkin International, Inc. In either case, such written notification must include your name, address, and a clear statement that you do not wish to resolve disputes with Belkin through arbitration.
Any opt-out request received after the Opt-Out Deadline will not be valid and you must pursue your Dispute in arbitration or, if the dispute qualifies, in small claims court.
If you are located outside of the United States, or if Section 17 does not apply to you or is otherwise unenforceable as adjudicated by a court of competent jurisdiction, then Section 18 applies to you:. The courts in some countries or jurisdictions will not apply California law to some types of disputes.
The courts in some countries or jurisdictions will not allow for dispute resolution by arbitration or waiver of classwide claims by you. If you are a resident of one of those countries or jurisdictions, any action arising out of or relating to this Agreement may be brought exclusively in the appropriate state or federal court in Los Angeles, California, and Belkin and you irrevocably consent to the jurisdiction of such courts and venue in Los Angeles, California.
However, if you are a consumer and you live in a country where Belkin markets or distributes the Software, local law may require that certain consumer protection laws of your country of residence apply to some sections of this Agreement. In addition, Belkin may seek injunctive relief in any court having jurisdiction to protect its intellectual property rights. If you are a natural person who resides in a country in the European Union, the laws of the member state in which you are a resident shall apply to this Agreement and any disputes potentially arising in connection thereto.
The courts of the member state in which you reside shall have non-exclusive jurisdiction over any such dispute. Residents of countries in the European Union may also bring any such dispute before a local consumer dispute resolution body, if any such body is constituted under the laws of the country in which you reside. Otherwise if you are located in Europe and are not a natural person, the laws of the United Kingdom shall apply to all matters arising from or relating to this Agreement without reference to its choice of law provisions and all disputes related thereto are dealt exclusively by the competent courts of the United Kingdom.
Both Belkin and you acknowledge that i this Agreement is concluded between Belkin and you only, and not with Apple, Inc. This Agreement does not provide for usage rules for the App that conflicts with the App Store Terms of Service as of the date you entered into this Agreement, and you acknowledge that you have had the opportunity to review the App Store Terms of Service. Scope of License : The license granted to you for the App is limited to a non-transferable license to use the App on any Apple-branded products that you own or control and as permitted by the Usage Rules set forth in the App Store Terms of Service, except that such App may be accessed, acquired and used by other accounts associated with you via family sharing or volume purchasing.
Maintenance and Support. Belkin is solely responsible for providing any maintenance and support services with respect to the App as required under applicable law. Both Belkin and you acknowledge that Apple has no obligation whatsoever to furnish any maintenance and support services with respect to the App. Warranty : Belkin is solely responsible for the warranty in this Agreement, whether express or implied by law, to the extent not effectively disclaimed.
In the event of any failure of the App to conform to any applicable warranty, you may notify Apple, and Apple will refund the purchase price for the App to you. Product Claims. Intellectual Property Rights. Third Party Terms of Agreement.
You must comply with any applicable third-party terms of agreement when using the App, such as your wireless data service agreement. Third Party Beneficiary. Belkin and you acknowledge and agree that Apple and its subsidiaries are third party beneficiaries of this Agreement and that, upon your acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Apple will have the right and will be deemed to have accepted the right to enforce this Agreement against you as a third party beneficiary.
If you have a question about your Product or Software or experience a problem with it, please go to the following websites for information on how to contact Belkin in your area:. Belkin, Linksys, Wemo and many product names and logos are trademarks of the Belkin group of companies.
Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. Tip: For priority service, provide us with a few details before you call by clicking the "Get Started" link below. Post your question to Twitter anytime. Share the Article:. The hardware version is located beside or beneath the model number and is labeled version, ver.
If there is no version number beside the model number on your Linksys product, the device is version 1. If you still have trouble finding your version number, see the complete article to learn more.
Select your version: Version 1. Firmware Ver. Was this support article useful? YES NO. Thank you for your feedback. Feedback Please tell us how we can make this article useful. For major failures with the service, you are entitled: to cancel your service contract with us; and to a refund for the unused portion, or to compensation for its reduced value.
If you are located in the United States, Section 17 applies to you: If you are located outside of the United States, or if Section 17 does not apply to you or is otherwise unenforceable as adjudicated by a court of competent jurisdiction, then Section 18 applies to you: