Making basements in the sims 3

I loaded up the Schultzes' house, and you can see the floor plan below…. Man, I really need to do something about that gaudy wallpaper…. See how the basement is breaching the wall and is also under a bush? All we care about is that we have enough room to stick a staircase in there, and as you can see I carved out the entire row of tiles closest to the external wall just for that purpose. Okay, I drop down a level, and I deck out the basement floor and internal walls.

After that, I ready my stairs…. All right, the tool is playing hardball. The only objects seem to be windows, so I delete those. I hit Page Down and try again…. Ah, that was the problem. Now, oddly enough, even though the game complained about the windows, after I placed the stairs, I can put the windows back exactly where I had them and the game lets me.

Remember that, in case your stairs are ever refusing to place correctly. I run out of room, so I expand the basement toward the back of the lot some more.

With the extra space, I throw in a bookcase, some loveseats, a phone, some lighting, and even a fireplace. Check it out…. Neat, huh? And now for the cool trick. I put a diagonal wall near the stairs, stick in a single door, then switch to Live Mode with Shannon selected. I put the walls up, then I lock the door down there just for her!

You would think that all that fire and wood would be a recipe for disaster, but what fun would it be if everything was nice and safe?

Especially for an evil Sim? Now, what if you have a house with a foundation, and you want a basement? If I were to build the foundation on top of that, the game would indeed let me. I build my stairs from the basement, then hit Page Up to get to the surface. From there, I make my foundation on the entire area I wish to cover, including the stairs. See that 1x1 tile representing the landing? Now, I can just select the stairs again, and I place the stairs right on that empty tile, so we get this….

Adding a basement to a house that already has a foundation is a real pain. Basements are stories of a building built partially or completely underground, or below the ground floor of a building. Basements can be built underneath some buildings in The Sims 2 and The Sims 3 by using the foundation tool, or by using the dedicated basement tool in patched versions of The Sims 3 and The Sims 4.

Basements in The Sims 2 and The Sims 3 can be created using foundations by placing an area of foundation that is hollow in the center, then lowering the terrain inside the hollowed-out foundation so that the area in the basement is the equal height of a typical floor. This makes the basement a fully usable space accessible by Sims, so long as the Sims have a means to reach the basement.

Basements are not possible at all in The Sims , as that game lacks both foundations and a dedicated basement tool. The basement tool was not included in The Sims 3 for console , but a basement can still be constructed using foundations in the same manner as in The Sims 2. It is still possible to build basements with foundations in versions of The Sims 3 that have the basement tool.

Patch 6 for The Sims 3 and patch 15 for The Sims 4 introduced the Basement Tool into build mode , allowing the construction of basements on buildings without foundations.

The tool was previously used to construct the tombs included in The Sims 3: World Adventures. Basements created using this tool are considered an additional story level under the ground, and when viewed the surrounding area is black, rather than showing the terrain. The basement stairs cannot connect directly to a foundation in The Sims 3 , but they can in The Sims 4.

Basements in The Sims 3 and The Sims 4 can be as deep as four stories. To build a basement in The Sims 3 , the basement tool can be used to zone in an area for a basement to be constructed. Both straight and diagonal boxes can be zoned in using the tool. A basement that is constructed using the basement tool can be accessed with the camera by using the floor controls to change focus of the floor to the floor below the ground level.

Additional, deeper basement floors can be built underneath the first floor of the basement using the basement tool. To build a basement in The Sims 4 , either the basement tool or custom basement tool can be used to draw rooms, similarly to how above-ground rooms are created.


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