Painted hardwood windows
This can be achieved in a number of ways using either tools and 'elbow grease', or chemicals. Home testing kits are available from DIY stores to confirm the presence of lead, but if in any doubt, use a chemical stripper to remove this paint. Do not use sandpaper or heat guns which can spread lead particles or fumes. Site Pages. Featured Articles. Search terms I am looking for:. Re-painting Wooden Window Frames. Best paint for steel exterior balcony? Cookie74 , 2 Feb , in forum: Decorating and Painting.
Cookie74 2 Feb Best exterior wood paint gunnag , 19 Jun , in forum: Decorating and Painting. Replies: 1 Views: 2, Best exterior wood paint Littlemoney , 5 Aug , in forum: Decorating and Painting.
Replies: 2 Views: 1, Crystalclear 5 Aug Best Exterior Paint 'System'? Replies: 1 Views: 1, Share This Page Tweet. Your name or email address: Do you already have an account? It works phenomenally! Excellent adhesion and not tacky at all. I love old houses, working with my hands, and teaching others the excitment of doing it yourself! Everything is teachable if you only give it the chance. Hi Scott, I have fastidiously read all of your posts about paint and primer for exterior wood trim, sashes and doors.
I had it all down, with one problem: I live in California. The same for primers. What do you recommend for doors and sashes in this case? Temp could drop as low as minus degrees. Scott I know this post is outdated but what are your thoughts on lindseed oil paint?
Prepping for painting wood interior of windows vinyl exterior which were previously stained and given a polyurethane coating. My plan was to sand, then prime, sand again, then paint. What are your recommendations for interior prime and paint?
My home is years old. I have areas where the old paint is firmly attached and areas where it can be easily peeled or scraped. I remove and replace any rotted or heavily damaged wood. After carefully removing all loose paint and a light pass with sanding sponge I prime the old paint and bare wood with SW Oil Based All Surface Enamel primer. It dries fast. Exterior wooden windows must be painted immediately after installation. They must periodically be sanded and repainted to maintain their resistance to the elements.
Old paint chips off and weakens over time, allowing moisture to seep into the wood. Repainting the windows is not difficult, but it is time-consuming. For best results, paint the windows while the temperature is between 50 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit and the humidity levels are low so the paint dries quickly and properly.
Treat molded or mildewed areas with a cleaning solution designed to kill their growth. Where needed, scrub the areas with a scouring pad. Clean the window frame, casing and sash areas to remove all built-up dust, debris and stains. Leave the windows to dry out completely. Scrape away any loose chips of paint with a scraper. Remove loose paint in the corners or grooves with a wire brush. Sand all the wooden surfaces with a fine-grit sandpaper to remove the old paint and any moisture damage on the surface of the wood.