Powershell hide windows update
Popular Topics in Windows Spiceworks Help Desk. The help desk software for IT. Track users' IT needs, easily, and with only the features you need. Learn More ». Ghost Chili. Gorfmaster1 This person is a verified professional.
Verify your account to enable IT peers to see that you are a professional. I did it by using the confirm switch Powershell. With the PSWindowsUpdate module installed, you can now run a command to list the updates available for your computer before installing them. Take note of any KB number of a Windows update that you may want to prevent installing later, perhaps one that you deem not important. Perhaps you also want to check where Windows gets an update from to see if the source is trustworthy.
In that case, you can choose not to install them by hiding them. PowerShell will ask for your confirmation before executing the command. If you change your mind and want to install the update in the future, you can show the update similar to how you hid the update. But before installing updates, checking if updates require a system reboot is a good practice. Knowing whether the Windows updates require a reboot beforehand tells you to save all your work and complete other ongoing installations before diving to the Windows update.
The command returns either True or False value to indicate the reboot status. Below, you can see the command returned a False value, which indicates a reboot is not required. So go nuts and install the updates you deem are necessary.
But perhaps, you want to install the updates without having to accept prompts. If so, you need to add the -AcceptAll parameter as shown below. Run the Install-WindowsUpdate command below to install all available Windows updates. The -AcceptAll parameter tells the command to suppress prompts and continue installing all updates.
If you prefer to reboot your computer once the installation is completed automatically, add the -AutoReboot parameter. Search related threads. Remove From My Forums. Asked by:. Archived Forums. Do not post in this forum Sign in to vote.
My script is posted above. Any thoughts? Saturday, August 15, PM.