Sims 3 pets 3ds can you have babies
There are 6 different types of Tricks for a Dog to learn. These tricks are useful for entering Dog Shows where your Dog can earn cash and win awards.
The following tricks are available for a Dog to learn:. Trick Exhibition aka: Dog Trick Shows is a new interaction available to a Sim when interacting with a Dog that has learned at least 4 Tricks. This interaction will allow a Dog to show off their tricks to Surrounding Sims. Performing them will increase their experience per trick and help a Dog prepare for Trick Exhibitions.
If you take your Dog to a nearby location for example the Park , your Sim can put down a tip jar and have the Dog perform a trick exhibition. The better skilled the dog, the more simoleons you can make. There are not any skill challenges related to Tricks, however the game will keep stats on how many times the Dog has performed a specific trick via the skill journal. This expansion bring on 2 new types of skills for Horses to learn.
Racing and Jumping. A Horse will also gain the racing skill by galloping around town or when being ridden by a Sim. The Racing Skill consists of 10 levels. Each level offers more experience and options to the Horse. The Horse may be pokey for now, but if s he continues to gallop around, follows a race training routine, and finds a good jockey, your Horse can join the storied ranks of the greatest racehorses of all time!
Horses can now help train their rider while training for a racing competition. Gallops are now faster. Who needs a car when you have this Horse? Thanks to all those long hours of hard work, this Horse is up there with some of the greatest racehorses of all time! After mastering the Racing Skill, your Horse can then go ahead and complete the Skill specific Challenges.
Their racing fame makes them and their offspring far more valuable to horse buyers and breeders. After achieving this milestone, every second spend galloping brings the utter joy and satisfaction of knowing one was born to run with the wind.
These horses have built up their endurance to the point that they no longer get fatigued from race training. To begin raising the Jumping skill, you can take a Horse to the Equestrian Center for training, or purchase jump trainers for your home lot via buy mode. The Jumping Skill consists of 10 levels. Becoming a skilled jumper will take a lot of practice on different jumping obstacles and courses, but with dedication and the right rider, your Horse can become an Equestrian legend!
After mastering the Jumping Skill, your Horse can then go ahead and complete the Skill specific Challenges. Their jumping fame makes them and their offspring far more valuable to horse buyers and breeders. To enter these competitions, simply visit the Equestrian Center Monday-Saturday pm.
If your Rider lacks in Riding, the Horse may not be able to enter a certain type of Competitions or levels until the rider advances in the riding skill. Once you begin a competition, you will be able to select what type of effort you want to give Pace.
There are several options available and all have benefits and downfalls. You will also notice that during the competitions, your placement may advance or drop. Not only do the competitions earn you money, winning first place will also land your Sim some awesome trophies to display with pride.
What better way to bring some new babies into your home than from your Pets mating? Having a new litter of kittens, puppies or a new foal, can bring joy to any household. Cats and Dogs can have up to 3 babies in a litter, and Horses can have up to 2 foals at once. The fertility treatment does help increase the chances for more babies.
Remember that you can only have up to 6 pets per household, and babies do count towards that number. Well how about you get yourself some bundles of joy! Cats are allowed to mate with any cat they choose, as long as the relationship is high enough. You will see the wedding rings symbol on their photos in the friendship panel. Make sure to have a Pet House around the house in order for the Cats to mate.
The Woohoo portion of mating is full of music and a house which jumps up and down! Once it is confirmed your Cat is pregnant, the game will inform you to be ready for Kittens soon. Gestation period for Cats in the game is 48 hours. Soon as the 2 days are over, your Cat will give birth to her kittens. Once your cat gives birth, make sure to name the kittens. By default the game names all pet babies Kitten 1, Kitten 2…etc. Genetics play a big role in Pet mating, and depending on what colors and fur shapes the two pets have, depends on how the offspring will look.
In this example, all kittens took the color of their father, however one of them has the fur shape of their mother. Kittens need love, attention and playtime. They cannot learn any skills, however they can play, run around, scratch, eat and sleep all they want.
Kittens are hyper and even their parents may get annoyed with their hyperactivity sometimes and hiss. This may lead to gaining or losing specific traits. Depending on how long you set your Pets Life Spans to, will depend on how long the Cats will live in each stage life. Time for Puppies! How adorable!! Dogs can mate with any dog they choose, as long as the relationship is high enough. Yes, this means Large and Small dogs interbreeding! Make sure to have a Pet House around the house in order for them to mate.
Once it is confirmed your Dog is pregnant, the game will inform you to be ready for Puppies soon. Gestation period for Dogs in the game is 48 hours. Soon as the 2 days are over, your Dog will give birth to her puppies. Once she does, make sure to name the puppies.
By default the game names all pet babies Puppy 1, Puppy 2…etc. In this example, all puppies took the color of their mother, however they all have some markings from their father.
Puppies need love, attention and playtime. They cannot learn any skills, however they can play, run around, chew, eat and sleep all they want. Puppies are hyper and even their parents may get annoyed with their hyperactivity sometimes and growl. Depending on how long you set your Pets Life Spans to, will depend on how long the Dogs will live in each stage life. Awww, Foals! Awww, Unicorn Foals? Horses can mate with any type of Horse or Unicorn they wish.
Unicorns can also mate with other Unicorns or Horses. Once any two of them have a high enough relationship, they will be able to Woohoo in a Box Stall outside your home. After they woohoo, they will become mates and you will see the wedding rings symbol on their photos in the friendship panel. Make sure to have a Box Stall outside the house in order for them to mate. The Woohoo portion of mating is full of music and a box stall full of Hay and Hearts!
Once it is confirmed your Horse is pregnant, the game will inform you to be ready for a Foal s soon. Soon as the 2 days are over, your Horse will give birth to her foal s.
Once she does, make sure to name the foal s. By default the game names all pet babies Foal 1, Foal 2…etc. Genetics play a big role in Pet mating, and depending on what colors the two pets have, depends on how the offspring will look. In this example, the foal has clearly taken pieces of both mother and father.
Mostly the father. Foals need love, attention and playtime. They cannot learn any skills, however they can play, gallop around, nicker, graze and sleep all they want. Besides creating your own Pet and adding it to your household, you can also decide on adopting the many neighborhood pets without a home. There are two ways to adopt. One of the more modern methods is to place a phone call from your cell or landline, and another is to find the neighborhood adoption center.
Using the Phone method allows for a variety of different pets to be adopted. There are always all 3 kinds of Pets to adopt using the phone.
You can scroll through all the different Cats, Dogs, Horses and babies to decide which ones you would like to adopt. All info needed to decide is right there in the pets. If you have recently had the social worker take away your pets, it is unlikely you will be able to adopt until your punishment period ends. You will be able to adopt back pets that were taken from you, once this time limit is up and assuming your pets are still available for adoption.
The second method to adopting pets is looking for your neighborhood adoption home. There will always be one home in each town that has certain pets up for sale. There is a possibility to have more than one household have their pets for adoption, however it will only be one household at a time. Once you arrive at the home, begin a standard conversation with the household members. If there are more than one person in a household, you will need to make sure you check for the Adopt option on all members.
Not everyone in the house has the OK to give away the pets. Once the owner gives an OK to adopt, they will shake your hand and you will be able to select from whichever pets they are giving up for adoption.
Pop up as shown above. Once you have adopted, you will now be able to leave and go home to start a new life with your new pet.
Again, if the pet becomes too much, simply dial the phone and put the pet up for adoption. Another option for Sims besides adoption, is to buy a Horse at the Equestrian Center. Once your Sim arrives, the game will give you all the options you have to choose from. Horses range from completely Wild and Untamed, to Fast and Agile. The choice is yours. The Equestrian Center offers a few other options for your Horses.
Your Sims can take their Female Horse to be bred, offer their Male Horses as a stud and also sell their fast, agile and competition winning Horses for some extra money. You will receive a variety of different stallions to choose from traits, breeds etc and you can then breed your Horse, for a cost. The pregnancy tunes will sound and the gestation period has begun. The better trained and experienced your Horse, the more money you will receive. You will be reimbursed a stud fee for providing a stallion to breed with other females.
You can catch and purchase many new smaller pets in the game. These smaller Pets may be brought to you via your Cats, your Sim can catch them with a high enough wildlife skill hidden or you can purchase the small pet specific terrarium.
Sims can give these small pets as gifts to other Sims and are able to interact with them. These minor Pets do not take up a space in your household, so you can have as many as you can afford! These pets are non-controllable, however you can care for them and interact.
If you forget to feed them, they will die! There are a total of 8 Turtle types ranging in rarity and worth. Below are photos of each type of Turtle, along with their species specific information. There are a total of 8 Snake types ranging in rarity and worth. Below are photos of each type of Snake, along with their species specific information.
There are a total of 7 Rodent types ranging in rarity and worth. Below are photos of each type of Rodent, along with their species specific information. There are a total of 8 Lizard types ranging in rarity and worth. Below are photos of each type of Lizard, along with their species specific information.
Unlike the other Minor Pets in the game, birds are a bit more sociable with Sims and are even able to interact a bit more with them. Birds come in Large and Small types ranging from your commons to the rarest of rare! There are a total of 15 birds in the game, ranging from small to large.
Sims with a higher Wildlife skill have a better chance of befriending and capturing the birds. Large birds can be kept in a cage or on a Bird Tree, whereas smaller birds are only kept in cages. The Larger Birds also offer interactions that are not available with the small birds.
Not only do they appear in the friendship panel, Sims can teach large birds how to talk as well! There are plenty options. Birds will also count towards the Charisma Skill challenges.
There are a total of 7 Small Bird types ranging in rarity and worth. Below are photos of each type of small bird, along with their species specific information.
There are a total of 8 Large Bird types ranging in rarity and worth. Below are photos of each type of large bird, along with their species specific information. The game also comes with a few NPC wild animals that roam the town. Deer and Racoons are the two NPC wildlife throughout the game, however they cannot become a pet and enter a household.
Wild Horses and Foals, are also roaming town. Pets however have many more interactions with these wildlife creatures chase, growl, socialize etc.
When it comes to Wild Horses, Sims will have few interactions at first, however the options will increase the more your Sim befriends it. Sims with a Level 8 Riding skill will be able to adopt, train and take in Wild Horses.
The horse then becomes a part of your family. Racoons are around to cause trouble, and Deer are around for your viewing pleasure.
This expansion brings on a new type of creature to the game. The Unicorn. Unicorns come in black and white colors, but of course you can customize them anyway you like in CAP once they are a part of your household. Gender can be determined by the appearance of the Unicorn. Unicorns will only agree to be adopted if you have showed them how much you care for all animals.
When you believe your Sim has had enough experience with Wild Life, search into the darkness at night for the beautiful Aurora that glows above the area where a Unicorn appears. If you get stumped along the way, you can even check out a few signs around town that will lead you to the common areas of Unicorn appearances.
Once you have found the aurora of a gleaming Unicorn, your Sim has the chance to approach it and interact with it. Just like any other relationship, you must interact and build a friendship for the Unicorn to feel comfortable with you.
Sims have the options to feed them treats, rub their neck pet them, and of course, adopt them. You cannot add a Unicorn to your household if you have already exceeded the max allowed for Pets in your home. Once you have a high enough wildlife skill and relationship with the Unicorn, you can successfully ask the Unicorn to move into your household.
If you do not have a high enough Wildlife skill however, the Unicorn will refuse. If you are finding it difficult to interact with wildlife outside your home, you can purchase the Wildlife stray Gnome to attract some wildlife to your lot.
This makes is a tad easier for you to gain experience with wildlife without searching all over town. Once you have managed to bring home a Unicorn, there are many things to learn about them. For one, they always have a graceful way of showing off their uniqueness. Be while eating, running, blessing, cursing or playing, a Unicorn is a clean and beautiful creature. This action will possibly result in the plant turning into Life Fruit and with this blessing they can also revive a dead plant!
Among all these things Unicorns can do, they can also mate with regular Horses or other Unicorns! Unicorns and their offspring cannot be sold at the Equestrian Center however.
This is the only way to rid a Unicorn from your active household. Minor Pets such as Lizards and Birds will eventually pass on of old age, being the meal of your Cat, or neglectful Sims. How long will your Pets live? Well that all depends.
Some Elder Pets live much longer than expected and sometimes even passed the Life Span counter. Ghost Pets come in two colors. Blueish-Grey and Red. Red Ghosts are the standard color for Pets who have died of old age, however when mating, their offspring will always be a Blueish-Grey color. When the time comes for your pet to pass on, the Grim Reaper makes the departure comfortable for your Pet.
Grim hugs the animals before departure and then takes them to the afterlife in style. All Pets have their own dedicated tombstones and Urns, which you can place outside or inside your home.
Once you do so, the Pet will be added to your household in ghost form. Ghost Pets should be treated just like any other Pets. You will need to feed, take care of and socialize with them. Yes, they are annoying in real life, as well as in simulated life.
Being that Pets have hidden hygiene motives, it is very important to make sure you bathe, brush and clean your Pets always. Dogs are fairly easy to get in the bathe, however Cats are not too interested in being wet! Giving your Pets a brush or bath often will lower the change of fleas infesting your Pet.
If you Pet does happen to have a break out of fleas, make sure you give them a flea bath via any shower tub. New Magical gnomes have been added to the game! They are absolutely adorable! Unlike the Food Truck in Late night, this truck does not require a special parking spot and is available in any town.
The Ice Cream truck drives around town, however if you want to find it quicker, simply go into Map Mode and look for the Frosty Dream Icon. Your Sims can gain weight from eating lots-o-Ice Cream. There are also a few moodlets your Sim may get as a result of eating the Ice Cream! Besides searching for Gems, Rocks and Metals, a Dog with a level 10 in Hunting can also head out into town and dig up new fragments!
Find Dig spots around town, and start collecting fragments to reconstruct one of the 4 new Collectibles. Starting from Left to right:. While your Dog is out searching for these collectibles, they may even dog up some other oddball items, such as Snake Skin, a Maple Leaf and even a colored feather.
There will always be something to bring back home. Sims 3 Pets brings the return of full blown Sims 2 Collections for organizing your Content! How exciting ey? You will then see a pop up box with a space to add the Folder name and a wide variety of icons to choose from for your distinction between Folders.
Once you select to add to a collection, a pop-up will show with all your Collection Folders. All you have to do is select the folder and the item will automatically be added to the collection.
You are even able to save a custom re-colored object to collections as well. Once you have gone through and added all the items you want per folder, you can always re-visit you folders and organize, delete and re-sort. Everything can be done via the main Collection Tab interface. This expansion is also memory-compatible with Pets. Pets will generate all kinds of memories while interacting with life.
Pet memories can be found in their scrapbook. For more information on how memories work, refer to the Generations Game Guide. Also remember that sharing these memories will get you some exclusive content for your game. When sharing and uploading memories either through Facebook or Sims3.
Tricks Levels — Although the skill is measured in the skill panel journal, tricks are considered a hidden skill. The more tricks performed, the better your dog performs the tricks.
Sims who interact with Wildlife often have a better chance of getting a Unicorn and can adopt wild horses with more ease. Pets who interact with wildlife more often have better relationships and interact more often as many new interactions become available. Sign in. Log into your account. Once an adult pet becomes an elder, the Sim can let them retire. If pets are in bad mood, they will not go to work. Eat 3 apples within the first 1 to 2 days of your female Sim being pregnant to get twin boys.
How can I have twins or triplets of different genders? To have one boy and two girls, eat one apple and two watermelons. Repeat this until labor. Instead, you have to use other commands to allow your Sim to focus their effort. Cheating will keep them from getting tired, hungry, or stressed out. This is done with the cheat console.
There are no pregnancy cheats to help you have twins or triplets, but a gameplay mechanic does influence this. If you want your Sim to get a high chance of getting pregnant with twins or triplets, as stated above, the first step is likely to get the fertility treatment. Owning a unicorn is a big—and wonderful! Here are some tips on caring for your unicorn: Shelter: Your unicorn will be happiest living and sleeping inside a stables or barn, where he or she is sheltered from the wind and the rain.
The unicorn is a mystical creature introduced in The Sims 3: Pets. Wild unicorns spawn in the world , and can be befriended and made into a member of a household. When piglets were injected in utero with human stem cells, researchers investigating the resulting animals detected the presence of cells containing the DNA of both humans and pigs Ogle et al. The pig does die but not on screen. Some people are described as tweakers, but no drug use is shown.
Foxes have an incompatible number of chromosomes and genetic material to interbreed with a dog. For two species to create offspring together, they have to at the very least be the same genus. Remember Me. Home Gaming. Can Sims 3 Pets have babies? Share on Facebook Share on Twitter. The Sims 3: Pets. Tags: sims 3 pets unlock houses. Share Tweet Pin Previous Post How can I get free Eevee candy? Next Post Do 2k19 locker codes expire? Related Posts. How do you cheat on Call of Duty Ghosts? Next Post.