Visual arts installation art artists directory
Elizabeth Brownlow Painter Holyoke elizabethbrownlow. Greta Redzko Painter Greenfield 1-greta-redzko. Holly S Murray Painter, ceramicist , sculptor Wilbraham hollysmurray. Harold Dumas Painter of landscapes, cityscapes, still life, and some portraits Holyoke haroldjdumasart. Florence janeherzenberg. Jeanne Harlow long arm and custom quilting Shutesbury hummingbirdgardenquilts.
Jeannie Donovan painter, watercolor, acrylic, handmade paper 'pulp paintings' Northampton jeanniedonovan. Jeff Wrench figurative painter Northampton noisician.
Jen Delgado Drawings Westfield instagram. Jenny Hansell landscape, portrait and figure paintings in gouache, watercolor and acrylic Northampton instagram etsy.
Joanne Bell Photography Wilbraham joannebellphoto. Joanne Holtje abstract oil painting Belchertown joanneholtje. Julie Knodler Watercolor artist specializing in tiny paintings for pendants, keychains, bracelets, with a focus on landscapes of farms, lakes, mountains and beaches West Springfield etsy. Kate Spencer painter Montague katespencerart. Kelly Riley Design Handmade farmhouse style wood signs and country decor.
Shelburne Falls kellyrileydesign. Ken Harris Puppeteer Springfield shadowworldpresent. Laura Bundesen fiber artist stitching together art and neuroscience Huntington laurabundesen.
Laurie Goddard painter Shelburne Falls lauriegoddard. Laurieanne Wysocki colorful textured paintings Florence lawysocki. LG Talbot Painter Easthampton lgtalbot. Linda H. Post Painter Florence lhpost. Lisa Yeisley figure and portrait drawings Ware lisayeisley.
Loretta Kane drawing and painting Florence instagram. Lorna Ritz painter Amherst lornaritz. Louise Laplante mixed media, collage, acrylics Easthampton louiselaplanteart.
Lynn Peterfreund Drawing, Painting. Online instruction Amherst lynnpeterfreund. Maddie McDougall Interdisciplinary visual and installation artist Springfield maddiemcdougall. Madge Evers Visual artist: mushroom spore prints, cyanotypes, and photography Haydenville sporeplay. Maggie Nowinski Drawing, Printmaking, Installation, etc.
Marc St. Onge Photographic Artist Russell saintongephoto. Some are mute, while others are interactive and require audience participation. Installations On Tour. Some installations site-specific are custom-made for a particular space. Others - such as the still-life line drawings of clustered objects made from adhesive tape, by Michael Craig-Martin b. Some even tour as part of a touring exhibition, examples being: the kinetic light environments of the Groupe Recherche d'Art Visuel which toured Europe; Earth Room by Walter De Maria b.
See also Turner Prize. However, whatever their particular character, most installation artworks have a low intrinsic value: their real 'value' is the artistic effect they produce. Difference Between Sculpture and Installation.
At first glance, some installations may resemble traditional craft based sculpture or the more modernist assemblage art. But this is an illusion. Installation art effectively inverts the principles of sculpture. Whereas the latter is designed to be viewed from the outside as a self-contained arrangement of forms, installations often envelop the spectator in the space of the work.
Installation Art invariably refers to interior installed works; exterior pieces are referred to as Land Art. Installation Art has its origins in the s but grew to greater prominence during the subsequent decade. Works may be permanent or temporary in nature. Many museums and galleries host works of Installation Art for special exhibitions. Other works may be installed within private or public spaces.
Many Installation Art pieces have been designed in the context of their proposed space. Cynthia Wagner. Dance Theatre of Huntsville. Don Wolfe Fine Art Photography. Elias N. Eric Bagwell. Every Child Has a Story. Advocacy, Associations, Organizations. First Baptist Music Ministries. Fitness Arts Center. Glenn Dasher. Grace Harbin Wever, Ph. Hen House Art. Huntsville Chamber Music Guild. Huntsville Community Chorus Association. Huntsville Community Drumline. Huntsville Concert Band.
Huntsville Feminist Chorus. Huntsville Library Foundation. Huntsville Master Chorale. Huntsville Music Teachers Association. Associations, Music and Bands, Organizations. Huntsville Symphony Orchestra Guild. Huntsville Youth Orchestra. Huntsville — Madison County Public Library. In One Accord.
Irish Society of North Alabama. Jahni The Artist. Jeff White Photography. Jennifer Redstreake Geary. Jessica Nunno Art. Jim Solomon. JLWatson Enterprises. Johanna Littleton. John R. Julie M Studios. Kaleidoscope Band. Kathryn Jill Johnson. Laurie Popp. Lemondrop Glass. Leslie Wood Arts. Linda Haynes Design. Linda Hisaw. Lisa Fulton. Listen Local Huntsville. Lyrique Music Productions. MY Designs — Monica Yother. My Spirited Art. Nicole Harper. North Alabama Dance Center.
Our Valley Events. Pine Ridge Day Camp. PlayBig Design. Prototype Media LLC. Randolph School. Remnet Magical Entertainment. Richard Corbeille — Woodworker. Rita Campbell. Rocket City Chorus. Rocket City Jazz Orchestra.