Voyages yvon dupuis pdf

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Main Menu Search montrealgazette. Mental Health. Patient advocacy. Women's Health. Reproductive Health. Why we're here. Who we are. Editorial guidelines. Former MP, minister Yvon Dupuis dies at the age of Former MP and federal minister Yvon Dupuis has died at Presse Canadienne, Jan 8 Dupuis was defeated in his riding in , then in , he lost in the federal election when he ran as an independent Liberal candidate in Saint-Jean—Iberville-Napierville, where he was elected one year later.

He was re-elected in and, in , he was appointed parliamentary secretary to the secretary of state by Premier Lester B. Dupuis became minister of state in and then resigned in when he was accused of influence trading. However, he was acquitted in after a second trial. Less than a year later, he resigned and left politics for good. He has also owned Publivox and Voyages Yvon Dupuis, a travel agency.

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Kompass is here for you from Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. Agence De Voyages Yvon Dupuis. Update my company information. Get more information. Yvon Dupuis Owner.


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