Which cars have two catalytic converters

Roy Was this answer. Please login or register to post a reply. Related Catalytic Converter Content. What are the symptoms of a bad or plugged catalytic converter? Common failures include: Low engine power, check engine light, failed smog test and more.

A catalytic Exhaust Leak At Around Rpm. Sponsored links. Ask a Car Question. It's Free! He said instead it would be a fuel system problem or in fact a failed catalytic converter. So, do I need to replace the front catalytic converter? If this is the case, the computer is only monitoring the front converter and has no way of knowing what the rear converter is doing.

It is saying the front converter is bad. I only assume the second converter is to super-clean the air since it has what looks like an air injection hose to it. You can and should verify but is bank one and is bank 2.

One bank and one cat for each side of the engine. Morello is a professional writer and adjunct professor of travel and tourism. Power station in the rural image by Kavita from Fotolia. Cars with Two In-Line Catalytic Coverters Newer high-end vehicles are now coming equipped with two catalytic converters as part of an even more stringent emissions program.

Thieves steal catalytic converters from cars parked on crowded, dark, and raised surfaces. Therefore, it would be better to park your car in private car parks, and if the car park is busy, it would be better to go for a well-lit space as the catalytic converter thieves will not steal from parking spots exposed.

Unfortunately, catalytic converter thefts can occur even when taking serious precautions, especially if the car is a hybrid model. An engraved VIN might help trace a stolen catalytic converter, and you should take this step if you think the catalytic converter might be stolen.

Thieves will not examine the converter for engraved symbols, and you can ask the police to trace the converter. Leave your car in a locked garage where it will be difficult for the catalytic converters to steal car parts.

If your home garage is not well protected, you can install a CCTV camera as thieves break-in at night. A sensitive alarm might also help as it will go off when the catalytic thieves break off the car parts. Catalytic converter thieves might target cars within an area, and it is possible to find your converter easily if you report quickly to the authorities. Moreover, timely reporting of the matter makes it possible to get other thieves within an area, making it possible for the police to stop the crime.


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