Woodpeckers flying into windows

Woodpecker Control. April 22, Spread the Word! Email Print. Related Posts woodpecker pecking hole side of house pecking side of house woodpecker pecking wood siding on house flicker woodpecker pecking house woodpecker pecking metal light. Leave a Comment Click here to cancel reply. He emitted a gravelly, indignant cry. I enfolded him in a dishtowel and put him in a cardboard box in the garage with a handful of birdseed and a small dish of water. I called our veterinarian, who said that a stunned bird can take as long as two or three hours to recover from such a collision.

He suggested I leave the bird alone and check on him around lunch time. I went to the grocery store. I swept the kitchen floor. Periodically I heard the bird scratching against the sides of the box. I agonized. Birds lead perilous lives, I told myself. Maybe I was foolish not to just let nature take its course. At noon, I went out to check on the bird. I set him out on the grass, expecting him to fly away. He shrieked and flapped but could not get off the ground. I was distraught.

I called my husband, Chris, at work. He knows that I prefer animals to most people. I grew up with dogs, cats, horses, and cows and I had rescued two Thoroughbreds from the racetrack and trained them for alternative careers. He assured me I was doing everything I could and suggested I do some research online about rescuing wild birds.

I found several websites relating to wildlife rescue in New England, and left messages on answering machines. In my hunt for information, I discovered that downy woodpeckers mate for life; I surmised that their red-bellied cousins probably did, too. Was she puzzled? Did birds, like people, go off on rambles and sprees and return later as if nothing had happened?

The next morning I carried the box out to the driveway again. Condition unchanged. No joyous ascending farewell. Donna Gordon. P Family. Elizabeth Rampmeier. Leon cedras. Paula Funk. Helen Acevez. Carol Landaeta. Marcelle Belanger. Aisha maureen saidy. Sarah Jane. Dave Burpee. Robin L Weddington.

Kandy Miles. Joyce Griffing-Roberts. Jeannine La Brie. Marion MacDonald. Jazzy pine. Jacqueline Kelly. Carol Brouwer. Jae Edmondson. Noel McCoy. Lana D R. Becky Murphy. Mary Childers. Beaulah Jean Blanchard. Nontobeko Xulu. Joanne Milton. Liss fernander. Courtney Cook. Sandra R. Morgan Gainor. Ciji Ripoll. Shavon Hill. Colleen Long. Patrick Flournoy. Pandora Farrell. Linda Richard. Kelly Lepori. Cheyanne Dupuis. Jamie King. Tina Laudermilt. Demetria Frye. Tina Phillips. Sharal B. Sharon Poe.

Stephanie Harris. Judy Maxwell. Vicki Chadwick. Jocelynn Smith. Meghan K. Lynne Keeling.


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