Angelfish and death fish sims 3

Random sample of the flower may be picked from Pleasant Rest Graveyard. Random chance to acquire a seed from fishing. May need to be an angler with level 5 skill. You can catch a betta by fishing in the right areas, at the right times. Bettas will spawn in rivers, not ponds or oceans. They have beautiful colors with striking vertical bars contrasting around their silver bodies. Their average weight is about 6 pounds. They are found in schools and relish jellyfish as one of the small marine animals that they feed on.

So, yes, spadefish are good to eat, you should give them a try. If profit and earnings is what the players are really looking for, the simple answer is the Medical career. The top of Medical career World Renowned Surgeon has the highest earnings per week, while Military Astronaut has the lowest earnings per week, as Sims only work once per week. Answered How do you get in to the film career? Ask A Question. Keep me logged in on this device. Forgot your username or password? From Sunset Valley to Bridgeport?

Director career: Shoot Second Unit photos? How do I make my sims awake at night? How do you get in to the film career? The Alley Catfish is also up at Buena Vista, but it's in the larger pond in the fishing spot furthest from the road. I've check every fishing spot in Bridgeport for the Deathfish and I haven't seen it. I may have missed it. The graveyard doesn't have a fishing spot.

My suggestion is to find them in China or Egypt and then stock a small pond in Bridgeport like the small Bridgeport Acres pond you also have to do with this with Frogs which as far as I know are only in France. Hope that helps, but seriously that Collection Helper is a great help on everything. DragonMir27 11 years ago 5. So so sorry, but I made one error The death fish can be found in the Bridgeport cemetery.

The pond is just to the right of the mausoleum if you are facing the front of it. The pond is really small and almost touches the mausoleum itself.

It will not show as a good fishing place on your Collection Helper, but if you choose to inspect the water, it will show up. I want it to have the death fish :D itsmejohn - 12 years ago - report.

Accepted Answer. You don't need it for the Deathfish, it just makes things easier especially if you want to catch the deathfish in bulk so you can stock a pond with Deathfish effectively having a pernament location with deathfish. Anyhow the Angel Fish can be found in a few hotspots in the ocean. There is another location. It is a lake and it is out of the way, but I don't remember its exact location.

Neonivek Expert - 12 years ago - report 3 2.


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