Apostolic study tools

This booklet includes their best advice on how to teach and how to lead a small group. I had heard these were illegal, but I finally did the homework on it before my last door-hanger campaign. I am sharing the results with the rest of the world in case it helps someone else. This is a great booklet to have handy. You can hand it to a property manager or a police officer.

It includes the actual Supreme Court decision protecting canvasing for religious purposes. Door-hangers are not solicitation. The authors of the First Amendment knew that novel and unconventional ideas might disturb the complacent, but they chose to encourage a freedom which they believed essential if vigorous enlightenment was ever to triumph over slothful ignorance.

This freedom embraces the right to distribute literature and necessarily protects the right to receive it. Search for:. We sell professionally printed versions of these booklets, but I usually give away a lot more than I sell.

Please share these Bible Studies with anyone that might be blessed by these tools. Note from the Pastor You are now heading into the deep-end of the pool for Bible study content.

The following are lessons covering Apologetics, Endtime Theology, and resources on teaching Bible studies and leading small groups. I may include other misc materials here as well.

Johann What is Apologetics? The first Greek word on the following line is the dictionary word, or lemma with the English word or words that appear in the Apostolic Bible after the dots.

The structures end with Editor's Notes from the translator of The Apostolic Bible Polyglot who has thirty years plus experience translating the Greek scriptures. At the rear of the book are 5 indexes containing a list of the Entities, locations of verses quoted from the Book of Revelation and of the Septuagint quotations, along with indexes of AB-Strong's numbers used in the book.

This website was launched in April Its aim is to glorify the name of the Lord Jesus Christ by making known the true teachings of the word of God to the whole world freely. We do not profess to know everything, and we are open to correction, so if you find any errors you may contact us. There are over files available to visitors, and there are over , hyperlinks on this site, all of which should work. If you find any that go to the wrong place, please inform Logos Apostolic Bible College.

There is something here for every sincere Christian who wants to grow and learn, as there are some excellent bible studies , which you can see from the Bible Study Index.


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