Army clover patch
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Start of add to list layer. Sign in for more lists. John L. Arizona was added to this group in Its main troop component was the Fourth U. Army, and its primary mission was: "Responsible in peacetime for planning all measures against invasion of area under command, and in case of invasion of area, responsible for all offensive and defensive operations until otherwise directed by War Department.
Its headquarters, combined with those of its major constituent units, was at the Presidio of San Francisco. Actually, in , the top staff of the Western Defense Command, in conjunction with certain officers in the G-1 section of the General Staff, influenced the development of the national policy governing the dealings with aliens on the West Coast, and the Fourth U. Army furnished troops and support that carried out the War Department's alien control program in that area, including the evacuation of the Japanese.
In , the Fourth U. Army conducted highly instructive command post exercises at the Hunter Liggett Military Reservation, Calif. Joseph W. Stilwell , and army maneuvers in Washington and Oregon.
These maneuvers, as well as the static disposition of units, involved all the elements of extra-military area sanitation and control of communicable diseases, except malaria, that have been discussed previously. Aspects of civil affairs and military government public health activities, conspicuous and prophetic in the maneuvers conducted in the eastern, northern, and southern regions of the United States, were equally notable in the Fourth U.
Army maneuvers. Through its location in the Pacific Coast States, the Western Defense Command, since late , had been concerned in activities which involved the Army with various civilian and governmental agencies. These interests were represented by the war disaster relief plans, which were a responsibility of the Ninth Corps Area. The plans included such matters as bomb disposal, camouflage, shelters, antisabotage, and general disaster relief.
Army with local, State, and other Federal agencies. Detailed plans were prepared for each geographic subdivision of the command. In , these responsibilities were returned to the Ninth Service Command, and the Western Defense Command was relieved of them. The status of the Western Defense Command as a theater of operations was terminated on 27 October , and the Western Defense Command was discontinued on 6 March Army gradually became engaged in an operation which has been characterized as "one of the Army's largest undertakings in the name of defense during World War II.
Some persons of Japanese ancestry were removed from Alaska, and a beginning was made on a proposed transfer of such persons from Hawaii to the continental United States. German and Italian residents of these areas were allowed to remain there. Only the Japanese, regardless of American citizenship and without benefit of legal trials, were evacuated. They were moved first to assembly centers under control of the Western Defense Command, in California, Washington, Oregon, and Arizona, and thence transferred to relocation centers under the control of the War Relocation Authority, in dispersed places throughout the country.
Mass exclusion was directed and continued until late in Nearly all the interned Japanese were held in custody until the last months of when a few were allowed to return to the "restricted areas. This mass evacuation of the Japanese was a controversial issue from the start, and continues to be criticized.
Conflicting opinions as to its "military necessity" were held by both individuals and agencies. The War Department was convinced that it was essential to the national security; the Department of Justice, on the other hand, wished to protect the civil rights of individuals within reasonable provisions for national security.
Economic and political factors influenced decisions. Public opinion was manipulated, and the fact that the Japanese in the Pacific States, and especially in California, had been targets of hostility and restrictive action for several decades was a factor that unquestionably influenced the measures taken against them following the attack on Pearl Harbor. Sheridan as an active-duty Army garrison. James R.
Deactivating the 4th Army is part of a five-year plan ''for a gradual transition to a smaller, more capable military force,'' according to a U. Army memorandum released in July.
But only active Army positions and civilian positions at Ft. Sheridan are affected by putting the 4th Army on hold. And many of those people, Bidle said, will be transferred to other positions in the military or the federal government.