Auditing bill software utility
At UtiliSave, we are dedicated to securing continuous savings for our clients year after year. We can demonstrate a proven track record of delivering results for current clients, and we will prove how we can deliver results for you.
Billing errors, incorrect rate structures, meter miscalculations and operational ineciencies negatively impact your net profit. These can go on for months— even years—and identifying them is crucial to the sustainability goals of your company. Find out More. I can't say enough about the excellent work UtiliSave has done to help usuncover refunds and credits in our utility bills. Not only did they discoverand issue in our billing, but they prepared and submitted the requiredpaperwork, working directly with the utility for us.
UtiliSave took the guess work out of verifying the accuracy of ourutility bills. It was an absolute pleasure to work with them. The process was simple and pain-free for me - they did all the work. We here at Pantzer Properties are very impressed with the services we have received fromUtilities. We started working with UtiliSave this year to do the utility bill auditiong, and we have already started seeing results that will help improve our bottom line.
To top it off, the very helpful and thorough staff has been great to work with. Interested in Utility Bill Auditing? Request Info. First Last. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
Headquarters Higuera St. San Luis Obispo, CA For software support, please email us at: HelpDesk abraxasenergy. Headquarter Higuera St. For technical support, please email us at: HelpDesk abraxasenergy. Please select For Urgent Service Requests e. Util assists business owners, managers and corporate executives in identifying these opportunities through our simple, no upfront cost, risk free audit process.
The service was simple, non-intrusive and definitely worthwhile. We continue to save monthly as a result of their efforts and I would recommend their service to any cost-conscious business. When a property owner only operates on a single home or even single residential site, keeping track of these bills and minimizing errors may be relatively easy enough.
Because of the complexity of multi-site utility bills, it's essential that a property owner conducts regular audits to help pay these bills. The cost savings from a utility bill audit will make this seemingly time-consuming exercise worthwhile.
A utility bill audit is carried out when a property owner decides to conduct a thorough, formal review of their utility invoices to minimize mistakes and overlooked details. Property owners use this utility bill audit process to uncover any irregularities like billing or payment errors, late fees, and improper opening or closing of accounts. The utility bill audit process focuses on improving utility costs over the long-term.
As such, the utility audit involves a thorough evaluation of vendors that the property owner uses, and whether or not better rates or plans could be chosen to tap into cost-savings in the future. The usage of each function will differ on the people living in the property and where the residential site is located. In a utility bill audit, start by reviewing all existing utility services that the property uses to gain a strong understanding of the bills from each service.
Many utility providers provide a benchmark that property owners can use to gain an understanding of how their usage compares to similar businesses in the market.
Ideally, there shouldn't be a huge discrepancy.