Batch file email
Operating Systems. Tags: Windows. Update objMessage. Andrew Baker Posted May 28, 0 Comments. If you schedule the batch file, you can have the scheduler built in to Windows to send an email. Anonymous Posted May 28, 0 Comments. John Namias Posted May 29, 0 Comments. Happy emailing! Register or Login. Welcome back! Sign in with Email.
Reset Your Password We'll send an email with a link to reset your password. Stay ahead! Get the latest news, expert insights and market research, tailored to your interests. Sign up with Email. Sign in with email Enter the email address associated with your account. To do that, you can do something like this in your windows script file:. I think these VBS scripts use the windows default mail server, if present.
If PowerShell is available, the Send-MailMessage commandlet is a single one-line command that could easily be called from a batch file to handle email notifications. I know that both Oracle and SqlServer have the capability to send email. Of course I can see how that might present its own set of problems and red tape.
Assuming you can access the feature, it is fairly simple to have a batch file login to a database and send mail. A quick google search finds many links showing how to send email with VBScript.
It looks straight forward. Tags: email , file , windows. The message itself will consist of the following text:. The following NT only batch file will check if the correct network drive mappings have been made. If not, an e-mail message to the helpdesk is generated assuming the e-mail software is available without the mappings.
The user can add more information before actually sending it. As the resulting message content already indicates, using this batch file you will probably run into command length limitations real soon:.
Limiting the length of the first line may help a little, but the limit will be about two or maybe three error messages. Assuming your log files aren't too big, you could use the following NT only batch procedure to create a message to the system administrator, containing the ASCII log file:.