Best hack and slash games for pc 2010
It packs itself with the features that have defined the genre for a long time: straight-forward combat, puzzle-solving, boss battles, and lots, and lots of combo mechanics.
Darksiders is an experience that is closest to the roots of the genre. In anticipation of the release of No More Heroes 3 on the Switch, the first two games in the series made their way to the Nintendo console and PC. Cult classics, the No More Heroes are over-the-top action games about Travis Touchdown, an otaku who starts on a quest to become the world's deadliest assassin. No More Heroes ' combat is flashy but simple, and both games drag when Travis is going up against faceless goons en route to a boss fight.
However, the action comes alive whenever Travis faces off against one of the named antagonists, and the hack and slash gameplay works well in these moments. Sucker Punch's Ghost of Tsushima was the PS4's fantastic swan song, delivering a gripping action game set in a seldom tackled era of Japanese history. As Jin, players stealthily or directly take on the Mongol Fleet scattered across a wide and frequently gorgeous terrain. While not amazing, the story is pretty decent.
The combat system is accessible but deep, and it is particularly satisfying against crowds. Ghost of Tsushima provides Jin with plenty of tools to cater combat to his preferences, making for a consistently enjoyable and unique experience. Although not rated on Metacritic, Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut should be prioritized above the base version of the game.
After a painfully long wait at least for a numbered entry , Square Enix finally released Kingdom Hearts 3. As always, Sora, Goofy, and Donald travel through a number of Disney worlds , meeting beloved characters like Frozen 's Elsa and Toy Story 's lovable icons in the process.
Kingdom Hearts 3 's overarching plot takes a backseat for large chunks of the game's runtime, but the world's self-contained narratives should charm any Disney fan. Although it doesn't evolve enough throughout the course of the campaign, Kingdom Hearts 3 's hack and slash combat is incredibly fun on a basic level. Sora has access to so many tools and mechanics that the Keyblade wielder can feel a touch overpowered, and the action's visual presentation is spectacular.
Atlus and Omega Force have never been shy about experimenting with spin-offs, so Persona 5 Strikers almost makes too much sense. The sequel to Persona 5 , one of the PS4's best titles, plays out like a Musou hack and slash game , albeit one that takes a few pages from turn-based JRPGs.
Unlike Dynasty Warriors or even Hyrule Warriors , Persona 5 Strikers is far more story-driven than tends to be the case for these types of games. This is a proper P5 sequel that further fleshes out the characters, introduced an interesting twist on Palaces called Jails, and includes plenty of Persona for Joker to use.
The combat is simplistic but stylish, and each Phantom Thief plays completely differently. Released in , this was one of the first Fantasy Action hack and slash games of the generation. What makes Middle Earth: Shadow Of Mordor , a unique game is the fact that it takes inspiration from a lot of other video games.
This game also has features such as combo-based combat and a heavy emphasis on counter-attacks and executions. But despite that, this game proved to be an enjoyable hack and slash of its time.
It's the same game with added features and content, such as better textures, frame-rate, resolution, and extras. The setting is a dystopian Earth future where the police must protect citizens from interdimensional monsters invading the planet.
But the two characters have the unique ability of "chaining" their creatures to use in battle. Last Epoch combines time travel with hack and slash dungeon crawling and the character customization that well know and love in the genre.
During your travels you will face and fight the Undead Empire and the war of the Gods, as you witness the untouched beauty of the world ignorant of humanity, and most importantly, discover the untold secret of The Void. Last Epoch lets you choose from various unique classes, including a Mage, Sentinel, Acolyte and a Primalist, with a fifth unknown class on its way.
Each of these main classes has 3 sub specializations to choose from. Each class has a ton of upgrade trees and skill to invest into, so further make each of these classes unique to you is really easy to do, while constantly giving you that satisfaction of a skill point or to to invest into something with each level, which is why we all love this genre to begin with.
Graphic wise it actually reminds me very much of Grim Dawn, as well as in it game play, which is a good thing because Grim Dawn is amazing. Last Epoch also hosts an exciting randomized loot system allowing you to find tons of unique weapons, equipment sets, and legendary items to help shape your character. There is also a crafting system where you shatter magic items to obtain shards, then used to enhance your current equipment through further.
You can definitely see the beautifully whimsical Trine fantasy art coming through in Nine Parchments and it is absolutely stunning. You are a student of the Astral Academy of Magic, who is being scolded by the Grand Wizard for being reckless with magic, when an explosion happens in the tower, causing the Nine mystical spell parchments to be scattered by the wind into the far away corners of the world.
The young students see this as the perfect opportunity to set out on an adventure to recover the parchments while also putting their magic abilities to the test.. This is an amazing co-op game to play as the Elements can combine into more powerful versions with two players.
Creatures in the game are also elemental based, so you cannot kill an Ice Bull with your ice beams and require a Fire spell to do optimal damage. You can also counter fire an enemy casting an ice beam with your fire beam in an epic duel. As you are a wizard, you cannot charge into battle head on, but rather need to kill enemies with your ranged attacks while doing a lot of dodging of their attacks using your blink , making for a pleasant and challenging gameplay experience.
I can highly recommend Nine Parchments thanks to its ultra smooth gameplay, amazing graphics and audio, especially with up to 4 friends in a local co-op game or online. There is friendly fire damage in this game, so watch out where you aim that thing! Oh and healing spells on the ground can heal monsters who step in them as well. I played Titan Quest back in and have very fond memories of it, finishing the game very satisfied.
Besides the Vikings, the Greek Mythology has always been a favorite of mine too, so having a hack and slash RPG game centered around all the Greek gods, was and still is amazing. In The Immortal Throne expansion was released as well. Nearly a decade later, the original Titan Quest and the Immortal Throne expansion came to Steam in In they were bundled together and relabeled as Titan Quest Anniversary Edition, with it being given active development once again, as they updated the graphics to run at 4K and fixed all kinds of outdated elements.
Since then two brand new expansions have been released — Ragnarok in and Atlantic in , giving this game a massive amount of content. In its day, Titan Quest set a new precedent for what we know as Hack and Slash RPGs, as its skill tree allowed you to add more abilities to your bottom bar, tied to your keyboard, expanding how your character plays and removing the boredom of only two attack abilities.
This does however take a few hours of play to achieve until you reach level 10 or so. Until then you will still be killing beasts and monsters with only two attacks.
Once you invest enough points in your skill tree to reach Tier II, will the fun really start as you unlock more abilities to bind to your keyboard.
This game is hard man, and you will die a lot. Because you will, trust me — especially your first 5 to 8 levels. There is now auto-regen of your HP after each battle like we have the luxury of today.
You have potions in your bag and you need to learn how to use them to survive very quickly. While this might put many of you off, let me also say that this does get better once you start to get some gear drops, especially HP regen gear, which is what I highly recommend you look out for and gear towards as this will make your life so much easier. Supported resolutions: Up to HDR bit: Pass-through and recording.
As the name states, this game is all about the grim undead, witchcraft, sorcery, demons, knights and everything in between all wrapped up in loads of gory gameplay. What the animations and graphics lack, the game makes up for it tenfold in its gameplay and sheer content. Grim Dawn offers fast paced content, great leveling ratios and a ton, and i mean a TON of skills to customize your character, as well as thousands of loot drops.
You can find my Full Grim Dawn Review here as well. While at first glance, HellDivers might not seem like it fits into the Hack and Slash games list, but once you play some multiplayer games, you will see how much carnage and faced paced action this game offers.
You get this variation of Who are the god-tier characters in DMC 5? DMC 5 has top-notch voice actors, face models, and character designs, even 11 years after its predecessor.
Everyone looks gorgeous - from one strand of hair to how they attack. Their moves are crisp, clear, and concise. The problem now is having to Not only was this reveal competely Which skills get the best rankings? In Devil May Cry, to kick ass and take names means putting that style meter up. But before you can do that, you have to make sure your character is in tip-top shape.
How many of these sword fighting games have you played? Sure, guns are great. But over the centuries, one of the most widely used weapons has gone mostly unchanged: the sword. We love getting into every nook and cranny of a video game and discover things that are otherwise hidden.
They have been a staple What can players expect from this new title? Vikings, horror and hack and slash action. Which Devil May Cry games are god-tier, and which deserve the dismal rating? Devil May Cry is a game franchise built with love, passion, and an affinity for all things stylish.
I think we can all agree that in the almost two decades of sexy smoking style combat, almost no other games get close Whether it's impossible combos, controller gripping adrenaline, or just the sight of seeing numbers flying all over the screen, there is something about Hack-and-slash genre that has held an invaluable position in the heart of gaming for What are some of the greatest hack and slash games ever to be made? The hack-and-slash genre is perfect for any gamer - either tryhards or casuals who just want to blow off some steam over the weekend.
All you need is a PC, console or any other unlisted video game player to enjoy a fun night What are the best games like Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice? Looking for the best hack and slash games to play in ? This might come as a surprise to no one, but the Master Collection has finally been announced and will soon be released.
These are some of the most iconic and recognized games from the series. They follow the ever-elusive Ryu Hayabusa on his quest to take down the raging evil across his cities. The game has so many elements taken from traditional Japanese culture that is always such a delight.
Oh, no, some of the ladies get their fair share of screen time. Four gorgeous ladies: Ayane, Rachel, Momiji, and Kasumi make their way into the game.
You can play the different stages of the game with these stunning kunoichi. They have their own unique play styles and combos that ramp up the playability of the game by huge amounts.
I think what makes the game so interesting and fun is just being able to go ham on all of the enemies in true ninja fashion. The Master Collection makes sure you get all of the best features of the best games, and so much more!
This game is set in an already familiar place in popular media. It gets cues from J. I mean, its name is lifted directly from the setting of the universe - Middle-earth. Gameplay-wise, however, it does take cues from previous action-adventure RPG games while staying true to the source material. It takes on a third-person perspective much like its predecessor.
It also boasts a large, open-world environment that can be explored as extensively as the J. Tolkien legendarium is. This is an extremely unique and interesting game because no other Tolkien expansion medium does the universe much justice like this one does. There are many dynamic scenes and interactions that keep the game fresh all while adding a whole new dimension to the external universe.
Meet the best crossover between the Souls series and Japanese culture. Sekiro is about a shinobi named Wolf who seeks retribution on a samurai clan that attacked him and kidnapped his lord.
This game is literally just a crossover between feudal Japan and one of the Dark Souls games. The main difference is that it does play a little differently, especially during a boss fight. This definitely helps cut down the run time by a lot.
It also helps that this game has some gorgeous cinematics that rival even some of the best, most recent movies. You pass through stages with breath-taking cherry blossoms. Some even feature gorgeous Japanese architecture. Sekiro is a grade A game that is both critically and commercially acclaimed. It definitely deserves all of its awards and everything else it has received in the recent year. From the beautiful mind that brought us the very first Devil May Cry, we have another ground-breaking masterpiece in the form of Bayonetta.
Generally-speaking, the game is about female Dante - oh, I mean Bayonetta - who is an Umbran witch with no recollection of her past. She then meets a little girl named Cereza whom she needs to take back to where she came from. She does well to kick their butts in true, seductive witch fashion. This is one of the best games ever to be made. The combat is fast, fun, and furious. You have Bayonetta dishing out damage from all parts of her body - from her legs to her hair.
You have this beautiful witch that uses her hair as a weapon to summon a demon known as Madama Butterfly. This creates interesting, unique combos that have a completely earth-shattering visual no pun intended. NieR: Automata is a stunning hack-and-slash game with a somewhat heavy yet interesting story that explores the humanity and decision-making side of a number of cyborgs and robots.
You play as 2B, a mouth-watering cyborg sword-wielder who is sent back to Earth to retrieve some data and continue a job she was programmed to do. So we, as the player, have to find out by going through the different landscapes and scenery this critically-acclaimed game has to offer. No other game really captures a melancholic, post-apocalyptic, cyborg-ridden world much like NieR: Automata does.
The world itself is a treat to look at. The designs of the landscapes as well as the characters go above and beyond the stereotypical post-apocalyptic fantasy setting. The gameplay and story rival those of some of the most classic games and pieces of literature. I love how this game is a piece of art - the combat included. Really, need I say more? It was a long-awaited game that had many DMC fans slowly giving up on the developers. But let me tell you, it was a game that exceeded all expectations.
The game is about one of our favorite deadweight Devil Hunters named Nero. He must navigate Redgrave City because out of nowhere, a gargantuan demon-tree known as the Qliphoth has plagued the city. It has great combat, especially with the iconic style point system. Setting-wise, however, everything is unique and beautifully generated until you get to the levels inside the tree. The environment is a bit bleak and more or less the same all throughout these later levels.
Nonetheless, DMC 5 is a gorgeous game with some of the most iconic characters and gameplay features that have ever graced our gaming consoles and PCs. Now you can get out there and explore the wonderful world of hack and slash games. Make sure to be safe though, since you might just steamroll over all of those enemies. Skip to main content.