Chessbase endgames torrent

Rg6 Kf8 Rh6 Kf7 Ra6 Rc2 Rh6 Rc4 Kg2 Rg4 Kxh3 g2 Kg5 The white pawns combined with the rook are cruising towards victory. How should Black defend? This position is the same as the previous game between Sveshnikov-Inkiov apart from the fact that the black king is on h8 instead of g8.

Does that make a difference? White played In this position, Kg8 would have been the safest way to draw the game. But Mista decided to spice up things a little with What do you think should be the result of the game with correct play by both sides?

In this game which is some sort of comedy of errors, you have to find the total number of mistakes made in all by both sides in this sequence of six moves:. Kc1 Kg7 Kb1 Kf7 Rg6 Kd7 Rh6 Kc7 Rg6 Rh2 The solutions to the six endgames given above will be provided on Monday — have a nice weekend working on them!

This is very useful as it gives us a logical link to the endgame and how it was reached. This helps us to improve our endgame technique. After solving the Kasparian study and working on these six practical positions I am sure that you are never really going to forget this ending! Even if someone woke you up in the middle of the night you would be able to accurately tell them the secrets of this endgame!

Order ChessBase 13 here. User Password. Not registered yet? Fritz offers you everything you will need as a dedicated chess enthusiast. Besides in-depth theory and exciting tactical exercises in the Scotch Game, this video course also includes a bonus section on the Scotch Gambit 1.

Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 , a lively variation often leading to very dynamic positions. Opening videos by Kasimdzhanov, Ragger and Marin. Playing styles in chess are an important and thus often discussed topic. GM Dr. White tries to play Lf4 quickly followed by Nc3. IM Andrew Martin gets you ready to play the Barry in your own games. Players under will benefit the most. It turns out that after 1 d4 Nf6 2 Nf3 g6 3 Nc3!? Videos: Scandinavian expert Christian Bauer shows clever evasive maneuvers in the system with Mihail Marin proves that the Catalan is alive and always good for new ideas!

We use cookies and comparable technologies to provide certain functions, to improve the user experience and to offer interest-oriented content. Depending on their intended use, cookies may be used in addition to technically required cookies, analysis cookies and marketing cookies.

You can decide which cookies to use by selecting the appropriate options below. Please note that your selection may affect the functionality of the service. Further information can be found in our privacy policy. Toggle navigation. Chess News. The best way to learn endgames by Sagar Shah. I like it! Unless you practise it in a number of practical examples. But where to get these? ChessBase 13 provides a great way to extract similar positions. Find out about this valuable training tool and learn an important endgame in the process.

And the current Komodo 14 has been clearly improved over its predecessor! ChessBase 16 - Mega package Edition Your key to fresh ideas, precise analyses and targeted training! Still no ChessBase Account? Updated weekly, our definitive database has all the latest games.

Store your games, training material and opening repertoire in the cloud. Annotate, analyze and share. Solve tactical positions of your playing strength. Until now opening preparation was above all about move selection. It is much more effective to have a variation tree, an opening survey.

ChessBase now provides that. At a glance you will see the complete opening in front of your eyes and you can immediately evaluate which variations are important to master safely. This ready survey can perhaps be supplemented by material you have prepared yourself and thus quickly becomes part of your own repertoire. But how is the move selection made?

That may happen through an algorithm, but it is you who set the parameters, the style of the opening choice. I would like to briefly present some of the styles which are perhaps most important for your practice. In it moves are selected which dominate modern practice. This often results in considerable deviations from the traditional main variations and delivers the most interesting and theoretically best founded survey.

Just as on a Google search we usually click only on the top links, in opening preparation too those moves which are frequently played and at the top of the list exercise a magnetic attraction. Like this, very playable secondary systems are overlooked through which passable positions can be reached and which demand little preparation time.

Almost every one of the known gambits in chess theory will certainly show up in these surveys. Although they are the oldest and take up the most space, they are also the most widely supported.

The five-piece set takes up a little over 7GB. For more information, please see the product description. Engines supported: Rybka, Fritz, Houdini, Junior, and others. A painless way to acquire the Nalimov tablebases is to purchase them from the ChessBase Shop. The greatest inconvenience is actually downloading them, though the uphand is of course they are free, and if you have the patience and bandwidth, downloading them may be a desirable option. You can find them here though I suggest using Firefox and this tip.

The full five-piece set takes up just over 6. Engines supported: Houdini 3 and 4, Stockfish, and others. Syzygy tablebases - They are the newest kid on the block and has the singular advantage of requiring the least amount of space less than 1 GB for five-piece set and is especially recommended for Houdini 4.

The reason is that Houdini 4 was designed to make the most of them and it increases its overall strength more than any other. They can be downloaded here.


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