Default icon locations windows xp

To restore Icons to Default Any changes made to icon, can be restored it to default. Roshan Karkera a. Blogger by passion and software engineer by profession.

He believes in sharing knowledge, which made him to start his own blog. If you'd like to connect with him, follow at Google plus or Twitter. Trevion September 7, at pm. Life is short, and this article saved vlauable time on this Earth. The Cake Coach October 30, at pm. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. I searched for Favicon and got a lot of things like: Favicon[4].

Still no luck to find where the custom icons are stored. Whiskeyman, ContentIE5 folders didn't seem to have anything in them that I recognized and most just had a 1kb desktop. Please clarify how to "paste into Explorer ". Isn't there some way where Search can show the entire path name? Robls99, Have you tried to open these shortcuts with the generic Icon on the new computer?

I don't use IE but if memory serves once connected IE may pick up the favicon and change the shortcut icon to suit. I'll get back to this matter sometimes in the future when I have more time. Thanks for all the help. Here is one that I know specifically deals with favico's.

Its called favorg. Those were very informative links. I'll tackle this again in the near future. You can use the previously reviewed iColorFolder application to load colored folders that can be applied to specific folders. You can also set the default folder icon using this tool. Not only that, but this tool can be used to set the default icon for any file type, or easily change the icon for a specific folder to a different color, or a different icon altogether.

You can create a new file named autorun. This does not work for regular hard drives, just for removable ones. Also note that the custom icon will show up on any Windows computer that you plug the removable drive into. If you want to change the icon for all those. Select the File Types tab, and then choose the file type you want to change and click the Advanced button. You can also customize the drive icons in Windows XP to give them the same Vista bar graph underneath that shows the disk space.

The key thing you want to consider when finding icons online is that they come in a zip file and are in. Probably best to avoid any icons packaged in. You can even search Deviantart. Use Google Fonts in Word.

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