Difference between windows nt server and workstation
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Operating System. Computer Network. Compiler Design. Computer Organization. Discrete Mathematics. It's clear that this tuning is not particularly useful for the vast majority of web publishers just as Microsoft's NTW license seems irrelevant to those running web servers instead of LAN servers.
It's even been reported some of these "optimizations" can actually hurt when a web site is running lots of CGI programs, as opposed to delivering static web pages. But since NTS and NTW use the same kernel, this optimization is based on nothing more than checking the registry settings. For instance, in Process Manager initialization, the return value affects the foreground process quantum.
Likewise, the value of most Memory Manager global variables are doubled if the registry indicates that NTS mode is being used.
One important caveat: You can only configure a server as a domain controller at setup time. We currently know of no way to take a machine that isn't already a domain controller and make it one without reinstalling NTS.
Actually, this appears to be a limitation or perhaps a security feature in NT itself. According to one recently posted Usenet message :. How does this single piece of software determine which role it's supposed to play? It was easier to build and test them that way, he said. The setting in the Registry, he said, triggers 48 changes to the kernel. These changes cascade down to additional settings in software outside the kernel.
This of course contradicts previous Microsoft assertions. But what about those 48 cascading down to changes? While the number or even 48 sounds impressive, all it seems to signify are the types of configuration switches already noted above , such as changes in the size of memory-management global variables depending on whether server or workstation mode has been chosen. While it's nice to have the operating system package many numeric settings together in a single name-based setting "Winnt" vs.
The number is a recurrent theme in Microsoft's discussions of this issue. Microsoft's Saunders claims that The type of adjustments made include determining whether the machine is a symmetric multiprocessing system, whether it's a PDC and the type of processor it's running on. It is these configurations that make the difference between the two OSes, Saunders said. It's difficult to tell exactly what Alec Saunders is trying to say here, but at any rate -- aside from the reappearance of the magic number -- it is a different explanation from the one just quoted by Jon Roberts.
But that doesn't make any sense. On the other hand, one reader has made what sounds like a similar claim: that "the Current Hardware profiles are what cause [NTLDR] to load up server. But surely Microsoft isn't claiming that, are they? We don't recommend users making random hacks. They suggest 48 changes to system files, so what about the other NT does at boot time? We want to educate users as to what product is suitable. NT Workstation is not designed to be a big Web server so we put a limit to restrict it to 10 inbound connections.
If you want more you should have NTS. We're not sure where Hassall got the idea that this article was suggesting that individuals go and change their registry settings. All versions of this article have been absolutely clear that we want Microsoft to change its marketing and licensing of NT, not for individuals to sidestep the Microsoft license agreement.
We have deliberately refrained from giving instructions for changing NTW 4. At any rate, notice again the numbers 48 and -- except this time, the Microsoft spokesman appears to think that O'Reilly has recommended that customers make 48 changes! In short, Microsoft seems clear only about the magic numbers 48 and What the numbers mean , though, seems to be improvised on the spot in whatever way seems most expedient to the Microsoft spokesman on the spot.
While the Big "M" folks in Redmond maintain the products are vastly different, critics allege Workstation can be switched into the Server version with a few easy tweaks. An official Microsoft marketer suggests that's like arguing the only difference between men and women is a Y chromosome.
We think it's more akin to discovering your date is in drag. In version 3. Microsoft actually describes this registry setting in an article on its web site, Determining the Product Option of a Windows NT Setup.
The "product option" wording is curious, given the effort Microsoft makes elsewhere to have NTW and NTS appear to be significantly different systems. What Mark Russinovich found, however, is that in NT 3.
Like Article. Last Updated : 15 Jun, Server : Server is a either hardware or software which respond the services requested by the clients.
It is an internet based operation. In this Graphics User Interface can be pre-install or not, because it is an optional to the server. Workstation: Workstation is a computer which requests access to the LAN and switch services to responds the requests via switch to perform dedicated task with having enhanced features. In workstation, Operations are in forms of Business, engineering etc. Difference between Server and Workstation: S. NO Server Workstation 1. Perform dedicated task with having enhanced features.
In server, Operations are internet based.