Enabling ftp service on windows xp

If users need to upload, then the following setting will need to be changed:. To do this, carry out the following:. If you do this, during the installation, and it pops up a blue Windows Configuration menu, close it, to allow the first Installation process to complete. Click OK. The defautl password is admin.

Step The FileZilla server manager loads up. To add a user name and password for your MediaTransfer app to use, click the User icon on the top left of the FileZilla window to launch the Users page Step Enter the user name you want to use.

This is where we tell FileZilla where to put pictures and videos that are sent. Next, make sure to check all the checkboxes on the right of the list once you have selected your directory. Now, you need to configure your router's firewall to let FTP traffic through. This can be done through your router's administration menu. Note that this will vary depending on your router.

After letting your router firewall let FTP connections in, you will have to configure your regular firewall to let FTP connections in through a certain port. Finally, after done with everything, you may access your FTP site through your browser. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. In the Home directory you can change to the folder to anything that you want such as the Shared Documents folder. Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0. Your LAN address is the address used to identify your computer over your private network.

Your WAN address is the address used to identify your computer over the internet. You may edit the rights people have by going to the Control Panel and selecting the "Administrative Tools" icon.

Submit a Tip All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published. You Might Also Like How to. How to. Co-authors: Updated: September 16, Categories: Windows Servers.


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