Fallout 3 companion template

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Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Fallout 3 companion equipment. View source. History Talk 8. Categories Fallout 3 armor and clothing Fallout 3 companions Fallout 3 non-player weapons.

Universal Conquest Wiki. Fallout Atomic Shop Apparel Bundles C. Emotes Icons Photomode S. Skins Styles Utility. Allies Creatures and robots Factions Vendors. Ammunition Apparel and armor C. This mercenary can be hired within the Ninth Circle, needing no specific karma to recruit. Not to say he doesn't have any morals or personality, being partial to his fellow ghouls and following a no-killing-innocents code.

While Charon can be accessed as a companion through a small questline, his backstory and personality are somewhat lacking, as we never learn when or how he became a ghoul, or much else about him. Like Clover, his poor health means he's a bit of a glass cannon, though. Butch is a unique companion, in that he starts out as our childhood bully in Vault He makes a rapid turnaround in our initial escape from the Vault and subsequent return in the optional quest, "Trouble On the Homefront.

As an offensive ally, Butch is pretty average, and like quite a few other companions, doesn't have the best health stats. Overall, he's an average companion, and if humor or the tough-guy persona is what players want, then Butch is a perfect fit. This semi-retired Brotherhood of Steel Paladin certainly packs a punch.

For the more nobly-inclined or militaristic players, Cross can make a perfect companion, as she's only available for those with undoubtedly good karma. Plus, her background as a high-ranking Brotherhood member and partial cyborg certainly makes for a character rich in mystery and personality. If players want a pack mule, though, Cross isn't the best, having the lowest carry points of all other companions. View source. History Talk Fallout 3 overviews.

Companions in Fallout 3. Categories Fallout 3 companions. Universal Conquest Wiki. This page lists all companions in Fallout 3. The content is not described in full detail on this page. For details, please see the respective articles. For companions in other Fallout games, please see " Companion ". For an overview of Fallout 3 content, please refer to " Portal:Fallout 3. Butch DeLoria. Small Guns , Unarmed , Science. Small Guns , Explosives , Sneak. Dirty pre-War spring outfit.

Small Guns , Melee Weapons , Barter. Sergeant RL Plasma rifle , flamer. Star Paladin Cross. Explosives , Small Guns , Sneak. Sexy sleepwear. Barter , Small Guns , Unarmed. Brotherhood power armor. Flamer or Missile launcher.


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