Folded templates

Visit each individual link below to access the template, step-by-step video guide and a gorgeous finished project made by Lou Collins! Keep your eyes peeled for more fantastic templates being added below, and share your makes with us on CraftWorld!

By NatalieH ,. Share Articles via Twitter. Already a Microsoft subscriber? Sign in. Premium templates Explore premium templates Bring your ideas to life with more customizable templates and new creative options when you subscribe to Microsoft Get Microsoft Bring your ideas to life with Microsoft Subscribe today.

If you made your purchase, refresh to get started. Transaction must be complete to see changes. Botanical greeting cards 10 cards, 2 per page. Engagement wedding celebration card. Create personalized cards for Christmas and New Year's with these beautiful holiday card templates. Choose from a variety of customizable designs that you can easily personalize your way.

Try our free photo cards for Married Christmas, generic holidays and New Year's. You can use the same design across a variety of labels, tags and cards to give your all your holiday items a special look and feel. What do you count by? Hi Rebecca, I usually look for books at least pages based on the page numbers listed in the bottom of the book.

Sounds like you have a good size book at pages. I have a question about interruptions When trying to figure out how many pages you need your book to be do you need to count each interruption as a page? Hi Sherrel, if your template has a lot of interruptions you might want to fold more pages to help make those sections look more full and complete for the letter.

Then find a book that will fit your template. The example you listed would also work so you can add extra pages based on a multiplier of the of interruptions and add that onto your page tally.

You would need to remember where and when you are doing this as your book page numbers will stop matching the template at some point so it can be easy to get lost. Just takes a little bit of practice to know when to adjust folds based on how much or how little you think is being filled in. Are you willing to make me a couple of personalized templates and I would happily pay you…I dont have photoshop. Do you have this pattern for sale or where I can find it. Thanks in advance bevb.

Hi Tracy, name books are the best personalized gifts! I have done my own name as well as others. Shorter names are still the best to go with when folding. I find they make great baby gifts for new parents. Do you do anything with them after? They make great personalized gifts for friends, family etc. You can reset this by tying a ribbon around the bottom of the book so it will pull the covers in towards each other again plus it makes it look nice too.

You can also put the book on its side and place something heavy on top to get it to fold in more. But if you follow the steps in the blog, you would be able to photoshop a heart shape into a template to use. I find 4 to 5 letters best, 6 letters is ok. A ribbon will help to tie in the covers to hold the shape together. Hi there! I was wondering if you could help me out. Ive never done book folding before but I want to try it so badly! Do you have suggest another template?

Thank you so much!! Hi Becky, it looks like the see-saw blog has gone defunct. Please stay tuned for a new post to come!

Hi again Becky! Check it out and happy folding! Was disappointed that although my book had enough pages as the pattern indicated…as far as I can figure! The pattern count did net figure in the letters that needed two or three pages to complete.. Hi Karen, if your book has enough pages then the template should work. Please see the Interruptions section on the blog for more details. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.

They say that good things come in small packages and Irene is no exception.


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