Fpassthru php manual

The method below works for both small and very large file tested on files larger than 30MB with no probs Brett Brewer. Here is a final working copy that won't freak out Microsoft Explorer if you are using sessions. Thanks to everyone else who came before. This is not as simple as I thought it would be. Update to the above. This also sets the correct mime type for the file you're sending. It's a small hack since it relies on the "file" system command but it should work well.

Note that the above comment about the "Connection: close" header is incorrect: it does not guarantee that the connection will be closed immediately after the transfer is complete. Instead, it informs the client that it can no longer use the existing HTTP connection to perform other HTTP requests on the same server, and that the client MUST close the connection as soon as it has finished handling the current request.

In any case, the web server will initiate a watchdog after script completion, and will force the deconnection after about 15 to 30 seconds if the client does not honor this header. The exact time to wait for the "socket closed by remote" event is configurable in the web server. It is generally smaller when the "Connection: close" header has been sent by the server, than when no "Connection:close" has been sent in which case the connection persists for longer time, to let the client navigate on the server without enduring new connection costs in terms of: connection delays, number of socket control blocks in final wait state, number of used ports.

Don't abuse "Connection: close" on your server for every hosted page: this creates more incoming TCP connection attempts than necessary, and slows the navigation on your site. Use it only if your script cannot generate explicit content length in the result header, as the client will have difficulties to determine the end of the results. See RFC for details. In relation to using sessions and fpassthru together. Other links can now be clicked and loaded whilst a big file is being passed using fpassthru.

Big thanks to Greg for this tip. What a helpful community we live in Just a little thing more from the ssharma's script thx to him for his great help My final script working for Open and Save on a 1. Simon from Paris - France. If you trying to output a user-written file on a page for verifying, editing, etc, you'll want to use fopen , fread , htmlentities to avoid malicious code.

Text from fpassthru, while not parsed per se can still mess up the display of a page or at least it did for me! I believe the following problem is a result of using sessions and fpassthru together. I have a subscription based site which protects large video files WMV format between MB by storing them beneath web root. If the user is valid session vars created from sucessful login the script then creates the necessary headers to trigger a 'Save As' download box, opens the file from beneath web root and sends it using fpassthru.

The problem is as follows: The user should be able to click other links on the site whilst a file is downloading. But when they do so, the requested page won't load until the download is complete. As this download script is a seperate PHP request, the user should be able to load other pages on the site whilst the file is downloading.

At time of writing, I've tried almost everything to remove this bug. There must be a problem with using a PHP script rather than a direct web server link to download files. Thats all Greetings, omega2k. Hope that helps. Note that if you use these two headers from a previous example: header 'Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate' ; header 'Pragma: no-cache' ; before sending a file to the browser, the "Open" option on Internet Explorer's file download dialog will not work properly.

If the user clicks "Open" instead of "Save," the target application will open an empty file, because the downloaded file was not cached. The user will have to save the file to their hard drive in order to use it. Make sure to leave these headers out if you'd like your visitors to be able to use IE's "Open" option.

A few notes on using fpassthru to php-driven download links that pop up a "Save As.. I found that the download progress dialog was remaining up for several seconds after the transfer was completed, before telling the user it was complete.

This was fixed by adding the following header: header "Connection: close" ; This will cause the connection to be closed as soon as the transfer is complete, rather than waiting for a timeout.

When using fpassthru on a binary file on Windows systems, you should make sure to open the file in binary mode by appending a b to the mode used in the call to fopen. You are encouraged to use the b flag when dealing with binary files, even if your system does not require it, so that your scripts will be more portable.

Edit Report a Bug. Read from the current position in file - until EOF, and then write the remaining data to the output buffer:. The fpassthru function reads from the current position in a file - until EOF, and then writes the result to the output buffer. Note: When using fpassthru on a binary file on Windows, remember to open the file in binary mode. Tip: Call rewind to set the file pointer to the beginning of the file if you have already written to the file.

Tip: To just dump the contents of a file to the output buffer, use the readfile function instead.


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