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Data Tools. Info Area Show the number of triangles and points representing the current scene, the scan date of the model as shown below. The labels X, Y, Z, respectively, describe the size of the scene in terms of the axis aligned bounding box. Tree Area The Tree Area contains all scanned models. The Tree Area helps you to organize and sort your scanned models. To select a model of the Tree Area click on it with the left mouse button.
The models selected will appear on Visualization Area. Delete item Import STL file Each of Tree area element types has associated a set of operations enabled icons into the Main Toolbar that allows the user to access all the features of post-processing data related to the particular item. Scanning params The scanning process as shown in the previuos paragraphs is activated using the following button: Start a new scan and power on the system.
Through this window you can choose the type of model to be scanned and you can set the scanning params. From the upper toolbar you can choose the type of model that you want to scan. Settings Area Number of acquisitions: This number defines the number of acquisition shots 3D Photo necessary in order to acquire the model.
These shots will be uniformly distributed over a complete or degree rotation of the rotary table. For example, if you choose 4 acquisitions for degree rotation, the model on the rotary table rotates 90 degrees after each acquisition. A larger number of acquisitions involves more time to complete the scan but can results in more acquired points. WARNING It may happen that with a low number of acquisitions eg for certain models may fail to scan because there is not sufficient overlap geometry between the various shots.
In this case it is sufficient to increase the number of acquisitions. Faces triangles : This number defines the number of triangles you want in your final model. The figure below shows the same model with , and triangles.
The precision and accuracy in the 3 models is equivalent. Among the 3 models changes the number of triangles that approximate the surface geometry. The system acquires always at max precision and max accurancy. Only after obtaining the final three-dimensional model at max number of triangles, it is decimated to obtain the desired number of triangles.
Is also possible to decimate the model later, triangles triangles triangles AGE Solutions S. First picture from left to right shows the model of a stump where the height of interest parameter is disabled and then the stump is acquired entirely including the adhesive putty support that sustains it.
Subsequent images display the same stump with the height of interest parameter set at 20 mm and 14 mm respectively as can be seen the adhesive putty support is automatically removed. It is important to remember that, in order to make the best use of this parameter, the model arc, one or more stumps, etc Especially a smaller volume of the point cloud of the stumps can lead to a better yield of the final model.
Postprocessing convert the data acquired in a 3D model : If this option is checked, the system automatically postprocessing the data acquired and it builds the triangular geometry surface. If it is not checked the data will be not postprocessed. It is possible postprocess the data acquired later by clicking the button TIPS: To reduce the time of interaction with the scanner, where you have many models to be scanned is advisable not to make the postprocessing after each scan. In this case it is recommended scan all model not check the option "Postprocessing", no check the option "Turn off" and at the end of the work, turn off the system and select from the tree area all items rangemaps and press button to postprocess all models.
Turn off the system after the scan: Turn off the system after the end of the scan. TIPS: Remember to turn the system off when not in use to avoid wasting the lamp. Buttons Area This area contains the buttons needed for the scan process.
Scanning process To make a new scan, place the model to be acquired over the rotary table of the scanner Maestro, secure it carefully with the plasticine support or other adhesive putty and click the button 5. Arch Step 1: After setting the scanning params described above, click on the button Acquire. Step 2: The progress of the scan as shown below is represented by a progress bar.
After this operation, if the the option "Postprocessing" was checked the software automatically generates the surface of the model from the acquired points, and adds to the Tree Area a new element. Then selecting it in the Tree Area, the model is displayed into the Visualization Area. If the option "Postprocessing" was not checked, the software adds to the Tree Area a new element with a greyscale icon. Before you can perform any operation including viewing of this model is necessary to postprocess the data acquired by clicking the button WARNING: Before scanning make sure that the model is correctly positioned on the rotary table and that the front door of the scanner is closed.
During the scan please don't move neiter the scanner nor its support plane. Proper positioning In the following the correct positioning of the models on the rotary table is showed.
The image below shows an arch correctly positioned on the rotary table. The arch should be placed at the center of rotary table supported by the plasticine or any other adhesive putty that keeps it well anchored to the table. The arch should be parallel to the surface and should not be tilted. The image below shows an incorrect positioning of the arch that should be avoided.
Repeat step 2 and 3 seen previously. At the end of the normal scan of the arch, the software as shown below , asks the user to place the arch in front of the scanner with an angle of 45 degrees or 90 degree to make a single acquisition of the palate and the upper surface of the model.
Once the model is placed on the rotary table, press the button as shown in the following image. It is enough to tilt the arch as shown by the following images in order to allow the scanner to make an acquisition of the palate. TIPS: Remember to place the arch in front of the scanner with an angle of 45 degrees or 90 degrees.
Stumps Repeat step 2 and 3 seen previously. It is possible to put on the rotary table of the scanner more stumps simultaneously. See the following pictures to observe the proper placement of stumps. After the scanning process, the software automatically recognizes and separates the individual stumps, adding an item in the Tree Area for each acquired stump. Proper positioning The pictures below show how to correctly place the stumps on the rotary table of the scanner.
The scanner may be equipped with a multidie plate of 7 or 8 teeth. The numbering When working with more than a stump it is absolutely necessary that adhesive putties sustaining stumps and the body of each stumps will be separated at least some millimeters from each other. In this way the scanning software is able to recognize each stump, see the correct stumps position in the picture below: AGE Solutions S. The support of the putty of each stumps should not join and the bodies of the stumps shall not touch or should not be too close because this incorrect positioning prevents the scanning software to identify and separate the individual elements.
So you should always place the stumps perpendicular to the rotary table surface. Mandibolary Maxillary Relationship Repeat step 2 and 3 seen previously.
At this point the scan asks to place the two dental arcs the lower and upper stiched toghether on the rotary table. Resulting acquired object will be used as a reference in the next step to making the registration of antagonist models.
Proper positioning The pictures below show how to place and hold together the two opposing models. Editing of the models The editing of scanned models can remove artifacts of the scan, or remove the adhesive putty from stumps and more.