Monkey majik rar
As we learn to transcend the mind and be heart centered we heal and find balance in nature. Having a bearing on thing is the fact that time moves into the last 18 days of the day cycle, the 13th 18 days, creates an ascending vibration. Source: rockartgallery. It seems that this could be the case with all of the other potent energetics having occurred. Leah Whitehorse. First Quarter Moon in Aries. A fresh start, a new goal, something to feel passionate about feels like just the ticket to get away from all this heaviness!
But we need to pace ourselves, manage our time and energy, be patient. We are also now at the midpoint of the Venus retrograde in Capricorn so there is strong emphasis on taking things slowly. Consider how you can live by your values with greater authenticity. Explore what you want to attract into your life. Know that you have the creative power to bring it into being. Venus is now at the magical moment where she changes from evening to morning star, elevated to Queen on the throne of the Sun.
Pay her some respect with a nod to the sky and a prayer. Ground your intentions into reality. Be love. Degrees and Times. Cosmic History Quote for Moon 6 Day 28 — Infinity is the mind of God or the instantaneity of all-encompassing, interdimensional space loaded with the telepathically structured programs of existence. The Tzolkin Times. The first day of any wavespell sets the agenda for the day journey ahead and it is best approached as a journey rather than living it just one day at a time.
How can you best prepare yourself this experience? Monkey promises a fun and magic filled 13 days. If, however, you need teaching a lesson… then Monkey graciously will be an enthusiastic and willing tutor. Beware if you have been living an illusion, or if you need humbling. Always remember, Monkey does have your best interests at heart.
The Guide today is also Blue Monkey: so, what does it mean when a day is guided by itself? The energy of the day is fairly focused and not influenced by another source and so this simplifies the message, it concentrates the lesson. People born on Dragon days will get monkeyed today and through the whole wavespell too. We all may have so much fun with monkey that we will end up quite worn out and in need of care by the end of it all.
Tip of the Day: We are still very much in the squish…. I know I keep reminding you all but seriously….. Hang in there for five more days and the pressure will ease off. Keep watching that moon get fuller as it all comes to a head then…. Roger Grossman. Blue Monkey, tribe 11 of the 20 solar tribe archetype cycle , plays, magic, illusion. Today is the day to get downright silly! If you need to be serious, then get yourself up to some serious monkey business! Remain lighthearted, have a good laugh, share a smile, play a game, tickle your fancy, bust a gut, pull my finger, walk into a bar with two other people, knock repeatedly on a door, find out how many of your friends are needed to screw in a light bulb, figure out why you crossed the road, laugh till you cry, go bananas!
Remember to laugh at yourself while you are at it. Get in touch with your playful inner child. Laughter is the best medicine! Magnetic tone of Purpose, step 1 of the step creative energy tone cycle , unify, attract, purpose. Tone one is the magnet, the seed, the nucleus, the heart of the matter. Tone 1 encourages you to be at one with your purpose. Being at one with your purpose is a magnetic act, magnetically drawing to you all that is needed to fulfill your purpose.
All beings in existence are connected. Due to this connection, whatever you magnetically draw to yourself, you are also drawing nearer for everyone to experience through our collective consciousness and shared connection to the one. When one individual is able to know, become, achieve, or heal anything, they then carry that new frequency as a part of their energy field thereby becoming a magnet for others who are seeking, or in need of that same energy frequency.
This is how we as individuals working from the inside out, are changing and healing the world. Be at one with your purpose about play, magic, and illusion, magnetically drawing all that is needed to fulfill that purpose.
Day 1 of the day cycle themed Blue Monkey, plays, magic, illusion. Written by Roger Grossman. Artwork by Kevin Sloan.
Christina Papageorgiou. MAJIK to the order of 5!!! Today is the 11th day in our journey down the 7th majikal vertical column which forms the CORE of the Tzolkin Calendar. Who is up for that????? Day one of a new wavespell always starts with the Magnetic tone of purpose. In the beginning was the ONE!. From out of nothing, here ONE comes. Spinning happily — magnetising all that it requires for more excellent adventuring.
Once strong in purpose, all will effortlessly come together. Attracting everything that you require to fulfill your purpose and your goals. People, resources, relationships, money, support and all that you can imagine. The attraction seeks to unify all as one! You can make offerings to placate the Monkey from turning mischievous — he loves bananas and watermelon and totally blisses out on Mangoes!
Visits to the Majik Monkey forest and swinging on Monkey bars at the playground is also highly favoured. Sweet journeys dear Planetary kin. Chuen reminds you to keep your high manifesting vibe happening through lots of play and merriment.
Use your Artistry to create exquisitely divine creations and focus on the beauty and harmony in our wondrous planet. In the kind of world where we belong? In the morning when the day is new? The Magnetic Dragon has the power to attract all the base elements needed in our alchemical process. All is possible in the womb of the Creatrix mother. IMIX challenges us today to take responsibility for welcoming the NEW energy to b-Earth in us continually, by allowing ourselves to simply be present.
Beloved God, blessed are those who hear the celestial choir of the angels sing in the presence of the most holy spirit of God, our Holy Divine Mother, which resides within, and brings her presence into animation through our sacred crystal heart as we feel her divine presence.
We dedicate and consecrate our lives to be guided and aligned to our Cosmic Holy Mother, and all of her dedicated servants, those who have held and protected her secrets and have waited eons for this moment to witness her glorious resurrection.
Beloved Holy Mother Sophia, I am your humble servant, may my body serve as your holy conduit in service to the highest expression as God intends. My favorite song is Telepathy- love at first listen.
You might try to download the album again. I just re downloaded it and all the songs were unpacked from the rar. I had to rename the 6th song there was a special character in it , and after it worked : Thanks so much! One more question Maki: you mentioned that there are two hidden tracks - the jazz versions.
Are those extra added in the rar file? I can't find them. Monkey Majik Band. Monkey no Chatbox. If possible please support Blaise and buy the album on his official website. However since the album is currently only available in Japan click on the cover to download the album courtesy of PinoOte! Please comment if you download the file, it's not a requirement but it would be nice.