Military uif program
Education Programs at a Distance: MilTA is available for courses that are offered online, by correspondence, or through other non-traditional means. The courses must be offered by colleges that are accredited by accrediting agencies recognized by the U. Department of Education. Service members deployed to those areas should contact the Education Center in their area for assistance. Active duty Service members who are deployed to an area with no local Education Center should contact the Education Center at the installation where they were stationed prior to deployment.
This website offers more information about DANTES-sponsored education programs and services for military service members. Select the CLEP exam you want to take and go to the page about that exam to see a description of what it covers, how much it costs, and study resources.
From the exam page, add the exam you want to take to your shopping cart. When you click View Cart and Check Out , you will be asked to sign into your account or create a new account.
This website offers more information about MyCAA, a workforce development program that provides financial assistance to eligible military spouses. You have the option of testing at a physical test center OR at a location of your choice via remote proctoring. Retirees can enroll in the Survivor Benefit Plan.
Job Training and Help - Service members leaving the military can get help finding a civilian job. Retirement - Members who retire with at least 20 years of service get a monthly annuity for life. The military and federal agencies have resources to help you manage life. Use these tools to get help with finances, health care, jobs, moving, and other challenges.
The National Resource Directory connects the military and veterans with local support. Find military assistance resources for:. Reserve component soldiers won't need to be on a government computer to look for active duty slots on the Tour of Duty site. Hire Heroes USA offers job services for veterans and transitioning military members. It compiles its work in an annual report What should you wear to your interview?
Suit, pants, dress, skirt? Blouse, sweater, jacket? Solids, stripes or patterns?