Playstation 3 online store poker game
Would be nice, but admittedly is not really worth the time and effort. Since you can still upgrade the drive you should just do that. Would be nice, unfortunately not possible without them releasing their own official SD card adapter, which is probably incredibly low on their priority list. But number 3 should definitely happen without question. The Vita thing is asking too much though. You made the right decision! If you do this, everyone is a winner including gamers, developers, and you, Sony.
Keep up the good work! PS1 and PS2 at the very least. Only 2K, which is p? Dream bigger. We got more immediate problem worldwide. Please have systems in place to discourage scalpers and let your new console find their ways to the hands of real PlayStation fans.
Sony has a huge queue made to discourage scalpers. More immediate is a problem than some of the digital stores closing. In my case I got incredibly lucky. Being a fan is great.
Whatever happened to the Sony that changed, invented and innovated? Exactly, I say this all the time. Love this Jim. This is great news for smaller devs as well. Great call PlayStation.
As an fan of PlayStation since Now just leverage your legacy consoles to make your PS5 an even more attractive offering than it already is. You could make it a console with the BEST game library available if you put in the work. Faenix1 — Also the PSP store has already been closed since , no one was in an uproar about it since PSP games could still be purchased and downloaded to the system.
You need to add backwards compatibility to the PS5. Surely a team of talented coders could get something running on your very powerful machine. Jim Ryan should also apologize to all the hard working legacy developers he insulted when he claimed their games looked terrible. Truly a shameful statement. Yeah to absolutely kill off the PS3.
Do your own research because if you did you would know that its not possible. They said they will keep the store and you immediately ask for more…. I see no issue with asking Sony to improve their backwards compatibility to match what Microsoft are already doing. If Sony want to remain competitive and avoid losing first place this generation, like with the PS3 in the 7th generation then they need to avoid becoming complacent.
Emulating the PS3 is difficult, not impossible. Fans have been making good progress emulating it on PC with only reverse engineering. Sony could make a much better emulator much faster using all the internal knowledge and documentation they must have regarding the PS3.
The issue was the CPU so that solved that. The problem would be the cost to develop it and the time. Even if it worked the drive wouldnt be able to read physical discs so then they would have to make those game available digitally. So possible…but not practical. Thank you for the reconsideration and for listening to us! I do wish you could keep this up by always listening to our feedbacks and continue to never let us down!
Although it is still inevitable for the PS store to eventually shut down in the distant future, I still agree with the community that we should have all old games carried over to the newer consoles. Games are timeless and should never dissappear! Finally this Jim does anything, he has been a zero as president, only sad news on my dear Sony :. We use cookies to personalise your experience and ads on this website and other websites. For more information, visit our Cookie information opens in a new window page.
Skip to content Skip to cookie notice. Like this Share this on Facebook opens in a new window Share this on Twitter opens in a new window. Share this story Share this on Facebook opens in a new window Share this on Twitter opens in a new window. Comments are closed. Newer comments. Thank you, Jim! I suspect this is Jim being forced to backtrack. Thank you Jim so very much.
I was already buying games early January when the website store front was closing. Which I will eventually but this buys me some time to figure everything out with my budget.
Thank You so very much. For what? For lying to his customers? Or for putting his mlb game on gamepass? Or for cut funding japan studio And abandon Japanese games? Yeah, fast im going to agree with you in that, abandoning Japense games and JPN studio is awful. Oh The real ghost. Chomza85 April 19, at pm PDT. Bye… not thank you. We won, Mr. Just make a Legend of Dragoon Remake already. Because they make great games that fit the Japanese taste and the globe.
There are ways to recompile games to make them compatible without using an emulator. An emulator can also be used, there are some on PC that do work. Look why you said the psp is closing on july 2 and we have to keep purushing.
Totally agree. Cormasco April 19, at am PDT. Well said. Is that still planned to get closed? They only have access to their content and it would open the store up for more Indy publishers. Just something to think about. Exactly what I have on my mind. Domino April 19, at am PDT.
Could not agree more. Would be awesome. BioShock Infinite PS3. God of War: Ascension. Assassin's Creed: Revelations PS3. Saints Row: The Third. Resident Evil.
Mortal Kombat. Burnout Paradise. Call of Duty: World at War. Resident Evil 6 PS3. Noire PS3. God of War II. Battlefield: Bad Company 2. Although it is fun to build up your character and compete online, the gameplay becomes fairly limited after a while and there are players who will bully their way to victory every time, meaning you need a lot of chips before you can take on some of the bigger sharks.
No matter how much better console poker games are getting, they still lack one vital element that makes poker so much fun in the first place; the chance to make real money. Getting the balance of fun, gorgeous to look at virtual poker and a bland online interface with real money at stake is difficult, but there are some options out there. There is a superb selection of both live and virtual poker tables, some of which have rich 3D environments that give console games a run for their money.
It seems that although there are some solid poker and casino games available on the PlayStation store, there are still some gaps possibly for Indie developers to make something that combines the thrill of playing with real money to the new feature of micro-transactions. It will be interesting to see if Sony allow full on gambling in the next generation of PlayStation games. With products like PSVR lending themselves perfectly to group games set around a table, then it makes complete sense for PlayStation to get involved with the multi-billion-dollar online gambling industry.
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