Plover wi zip

Population density: 1, people per square mile low. Nearest city with pop. Nearest cities: Whiting, WI 1. Daytime population change due to commuting: This is significantly better than average. Sulfur Dioxide SO 2 [ppb] level in was 3. This is significantly worse than average. Closest monitor was 3. Ozone [ppb] level in was This is about average.

Closest monitor was Plover-area historical tornado activity is slightly above Wisconsin state average. River: Little Plover River A. Green Bay Phoenix. Graphs represent county-level data. Detailed Election Results. Total of 33 patent applications in Use at your own risk. Plover, Wisconsin Plover: Cafe Veranda. Plover: Christains Bistro. Plover: Portage County Business Park. Plover: Happy Wok. Plover: USA Curling. Plover: Petco at Crossroads Commons.

Plover: Toyota. Plover: Plover Water Tower. Males: 6, Median resident age: Business Search - 14 Million verified businesses Search for: near:. User-defined colors Preset color patterns. Opacity: Opacity. Most recent value. Based on data. Crime rates in Plover by year Type Murders per , 0 0. Click on a table row to update graph. Full-time law enforcement employees in , including police officers: 22 19 officers. Officers per 1, residents here: 1.

Recent articles from our blog. Our writers, many of them Ph. Recent posts about Plover, Wisconsin on our local forum with over 2,, registered users. Plover is mentioned 74 times on our forum:. Hometown pharmacy in Plover is the only store in Portage County that has the first shipment. Plover food company gives away cars to employees Top Stories waow com.

Monogram Food Company in Plover gave away two new cars to employees with perfect attendance, one from their Post Road facility and one from their Moore road facility. One arrested after home invasion in Plover Crime amp Courts waow com. The Plover Police Department says just after 4 p. This village: 6. Whiting, WI 1. Park Ridge, WI 1. Stevens Point, WI 2. Linwood, WI 2. Hull, WI 2. Stockton, WI 2. Polonia, WI 3. Grant, WI 3. Here: 4. Paper Other production occupations, including supervisors 7.

Other production occupations, including supervisors 9. Other office and administrative support workers, including supervisors 7. Air pollution and air quality trends lower is better. Homes in ZIP code were primarily built in the s or the s. It is also high compared to nearby ZIP codes.

So you are less likely to find inexpensive homes in Rentals in are most commonly 2 bedrooms. Prices for rental property include ZIP code apartments, townhouses, and homes that are primary residences.

It is also compared to nearby ZIP codes. So is likely to be one of the nicer parts of town with a more affluent demographic. As with most parts of the country, vehicles are the most common form of transportation to places of employment. In most parts of the country, the majority of commuters get to work in under half an hour.

More commuters in get to experience these short commute times than most other ZIP codes. It is very uncommon, compared to the rest of the US, for employees to have to travel more than 45 minutes to their place of employment. For more information, see Plover, WI poverty. There are 3 different elementary schools and high schools with mailing addresses in ZIP code Toggle navigation.

Search by ZIP, address, city, or county:. Current View Only. Close Print. Land Area Estimated Population over Time. Under 5 85 Plus Male 82 53 Female Total 1, 1, Male Female Total Under 5 1, 1, 82 85 Plus 53 White 12, Head of Household by Age.

Owner Renter Total 25 1, 1, 85 Plus 44 94 Families vs Singles. Households with Kids. Children by Age. Male Female Total 1 83 95 2 99 3 80 4 91 5 93 6 7 96 8 99 89 9 84 10 93 86 11 79 12 13 98 94 14 89 89 15 98 95 16 80 89 17 84 18 94 85 19 55 75 20 94 75 Housing Type.

In Occupied Housing Units 13, Year Housing was Built. Housing Occupancy.


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