Sesame street christmas games

Create a free account on Sporcle. Log In. From the Vault See Another. You Might Also Like Christmas Bunker. Christmas Lyric Match-Up. Portrait of a Legend: Santa Claus. Pick 5 in 12 Days of Christmas.

Christmas Carols Without the Christmas. Remove Ads. Get the best of Sporcle when you Go Orange. This ad-free experience offers more features, more stats, and more fun while also helping to support Sporcle. Thank you for becoming a member. Score Distribution. Your Account Isn't Verified! In order to create a playlist on Sporcle, you need to verify the email address you used during registration. Go to your Sporcle Settings to finish the process. Report this User Report this user for behavior that violates our Community Guidelines.

Story Time with Ally Langdon Views. Holiday Songs Compilation Views. Cartoon Network Views. Did Ryan peek???? Booksy At Cool School 4, Views. Booksy at Cool School Views. Booksy Views. Part 1 Story Time with Ms. Booksy Cartoons for Kids Views. BooksyCartoons for Kids Views.

Monster Halloween Story! Booksy Meets Evil Queens! Cool School Compilation Views. He says he was only teasing him and agrees to search for him. Back on the roof, at one point, sleigh bells and hoofbeats are heard, and a person's shadow falls over the dozing Big Bird. He is startled awake, but sees nothing unusual. Meanwhile, in a retelling of The Gift of the Magi , Bert and Ernie want to give each other a Christmas present, but they both have no money.

Bert trades away his prized paper clip collection to buy a soap dish for Ernie's Rubber Duckie , but Ernie has bartered that to buy Bert a cigar box for his paper clip collection. Hooper realizes what is happening and gives both their treasured possessions back while also reminding the audience that being Jewish, he doesn't celebrate Christmas but understands its spirit. While all this is going on, Cookie Monster tries to write Santa and request cookies for Christmas.

However, as he talks to himself about the many different kinds he wants, he gets hungrier and hungrier, absentmindedly devouring the instruments he is trying to use a pencil, a typewriter, and a telephone. At the Robinsons' apartment, he laments that he was unable to contact Santa.

Gordon reminds him that he might get what he wants if he leaves a plate of cookies for Santa, which of course confuses him. At the end, when Big Bird comes down from the roof to warm up, Susan and Gordon make sure he stays.

They comfort him by showing that there were indeed presents brought, but having him back is more important. Then Oscar appears and, stepping out of character, admits he's glad to have him back again The special concludes with the Robinsons returning to their apartment to find that Cookie Monster has eaten the needles and decorations off their Christmas tree.

Christmas Specials Wiki Explore. Arnold's Christmas Christmas Who? Christmas Every Day! A Christmas Story Arthur Christmas. Active talk pages. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Factory The Gift of the Magi. Christmas Eve on Sesame Street. Log in to edit. History Talk 1.


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