Setfile null true call failed

Problem Type Select the Nature of the Issue reported. User Types Select the Type of Users involved. Project Phases Select the Project Phase. System Information Last Modified Date. To Be Removed Title. URL Name. Article Record Type. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. I have added log4j. Please let me know, how to resolve this exception, as I have tried placing my properties file in root folder and now I have placed in source folder but in both cases I got the above exception.

As a result, the value of log4j. As a quick remedy, change the log4j. You should not get an exception. I had the exact same problem. Here is the solution that worked for me: simply put your properties file path in the cmd line this way :. Quick Solution , change the log4j.

Now You should not get an error. So it seems that the variable file. FileNotFoundException: logs Access is denied '. It seems there's a log file named as 'logs' to which access is denied i. Try by giving write permissions to the 'logs' log file.

Hope it helps. To prevent this isue I changed all values in log4j. Thats All.. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams?

Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more. Error: "setFile null,false call failed" when using log4j Ask Question. Product Component Select the Product Component.

Also Applies To Select other products that the issue is applicable to. Problem Type Select the Nature of the Issue reported. User Types Select the Type of Users involved. Project Phases Select the Project Phase. System Information Last Modified Date. To Be Removed Title. URL Name.


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