Cow share program michigan

Our food artisans use non-GMO, high-quality ingredients and produce their products in small batches, many use hand-crafted methods. We know that when we work with these farmers and food artisans we are keeping the precious tradition of the small family farm and the art of hand-crafted and small-batch processing alive. By purchasing their products, we contribute to and participate in our mission: To support the sustainability of small local farms and food artisans in our local food system To support sustainable, environmentally friendly, and humane agricultural practices To provide transparency in the food chain so you can know where your food is coming from and how it was raised To support your health and the health of your family by providing real food, locally raised FOR YOUR FAMILY Satisfaction.

You know that you are supporting food artisans that use local, healthy ingredients and small-batch processing. You are also supporting small local family farms that use sound and sustainable farming practices Confidence. In this day and age of factory farming and ambiguous labeling, you can be confident that the food you are eating is sustainably produced and you know where it comes from Real food. Also offered in the program is cream ,cheese, raw butter and eggs.

For more information contact:. KarlaMuhammad17 gmail. Cow Share Program In the state of Michigan it's illegal to sell raw milk. Some people require treatment. The elderly, infants, and those with weak immune systems are more likely to have a severe or enduring illness. Persons who are ill with these symptoms and have consumed raw milk recently should consult with their medical provider and ask about being tested for Campylobacter infection.

Campylobacter illness is a reportable communicable disease in Michigan. Related posts. Remedy for Slaughterhouse Logjam? Read more. June 17, at am.

How about sharing in Crowdfunding? September 12, at pm. Angela says:. June 13, at pm. Real Milk says:.


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