Cpmc weight management program

Programs in select locations offer you the opportunity to: Set a goal in consultation with a weight loss expert and achieve measurable weight loss.

Significantly reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes. Lower cholesterol and glucose levels, blood pressure and associated health risks. Health and Wellness Help to Lose Weight. Weight Loss With Surgical Help For some people, weight loss surgery may be the best option to improve their health. Learn more. Top Dieting Myths Our expert presents the facts on the latest diet fads and trends.

Lose Weight the Healthy Way Follow these tips to set a weight loss goal, reach it and maintain it for life. Patient Stories. Obesity Research. More than a third of Americans are obese, which puts them at risk for heart disease, stroke, diabetes and some cancers. Obesity is also a cause of rising health costs in the U.

Obesity means a person has 20 percent more body fat than what is healthy — a body mass index of 30 or more.

Research into prevention and treatment is critical to improving the health of the nation. Doctor Profiles. The following doctors are part of the Sutter Health network. Learn about the doctors on this site. Steven J. Nelson, M. Douglas B. Jimenez, M. Arkady Gendelman, M. Ronald H. Berman, M. Dherain M. Patel, M. Jasbir Singh, M. Julia Jodi Marx, M.

Margie D. Lim, M. Phil Lugo, M. Services Near You. Sutter Santa Rosa Regional Hospital. California Pacific Medical Center. Palo Alto Medical Foundation. Sutter Auburn Faith Hospital. We offer individual consultations and assessments of nutritional consumption, energy balance, lifestyle and psychological factors that influence health and weight. We tailor counseling as well as diet and activity plans to meet each person's goals and everyday realities.

Connect with a team that can help you find resources, solve problems and advocate for you during treatment at UCSF. This eight-week class teaches mindfulness practices that can reduce stress and improve your overall health, such as meditation and body awareness. Find out how to contact us with comments, questions or concerns. Chaplains representing many faiths are available around the clock to provide support, comfort and counsel to patients, families and caregivers.

If you live outside the United States and are coming to UCSF for medical treatment, our patient liaisons can help coordinate all aspects of your visit. Checking into the hospital? Primary Care. Request appointment.

Refer a patient. Get a second opinion. Step-By-Step Program This is a comprehensive, one-year weight loss program that emphasizes aerobic exercise, healthful food and cognitive behavioral therapy to promote long-term weight loss and management.

The program includes: Regular meetings with doctors for medical supervision and education Formal assessment and follow-up with a dietitian, including nutrition education, meal advice, and review and analysis of the patient's food diary Thursday evening support group meetings, followed by a lecture series, which includes a written curriculum Participants This plan is designed for people who are: Mildly to moderately obese Committed to personal lifestyle changes for better health and weight loss Able to attend weight management sessions for one year Meal Replacement Program This is a one-year, medically supervised, rapid weight loss program utilizing a very low calorie diet comprised of nutritionally complete, prepared foods.

The program includes: Formal consultations in our clinic with the specialist of the patient's choice Participants This plan is designed for people who meet the following criteria: Any weight profile, but a medical referral is required for treatment of serious obesity or medical problems Able to commit to personal dietary and exercise changes Able to attend sessions in the clinic.

Our locations. Expand Map. Conditions we treat. Our team Robert B. Michelle E. Guy MD Internist. Gina T. Moreno-John MD Internist. Diana Thiara MD Internist. Amy Smolinski NP Nurse practitioner. David Besio Dietitian. Suzanne Gibson RD Dietitian.


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