Domainkeys dns txt record

Possibly relevant context: the domain these rules apply to is also used for private nameservers used by my new domains. I found another question containing some similar content , which was enough to work out that mail. Specs are here. In particular:. I think an update to my control panel software automatically added DKIM to my emails, which would explain why I was surprised to see them. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group.

Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. What is "mail. Ask Question. Asked 6 years, 1 month ago. There are no specific formatting requirements for basic TXT records, but there are some restrictions. Each section over characters must be enclosed in double quotes see example below.

There are several ways a TXT record acts as an email authenticator. When configured for this purpose, text records can establish that an email is coming from a trusted source. This is because it would include all servers authorized to send messages on behalf of a domain. This type of TXT record hosts public keys attached to specific domains.

These keys sign emails digitally. These records instruct servers on how to handle a message. The following installation guide is based upon sendmail 8. The DomainKeys feature is implemented through a milter. The milter does not support any sendmail version prior to 8. Download the source code for the sendmail DomainKeys milter from the sendmail. DomainKeys requires a public and private key.

The private key should be saved in a safe location on your server. Move your private key to the domainkeys directory and rename it to mail. You should remove any spaces and newlines.

The o tag denotes the outbound signing policy. The milter runs as a daemon in the background. If you are starting the milter as root, you should create an unprivileged user for the milter. In the above example, all mail submitted through MSA tcp port with a sending domain of example. The email address specified as the envelope sender, and not the author From: , will receive the reply.

If you do not receive a reply, it is likely that your mail server rejected the mail sent by our autoresponder. DomainKeys uses the email headers and body to generate a signature. If the subject line is rewritten or text is appended to the message body after it has been signed, the domainkeys verification fails. OPTIONS -a peerlist Identifies a file of "peers" which identifies clients whose con- nections should be accepted without processing by this filter.

The peerlist should contain on each line a hostname, domain name e. Use with caution; if the filter fails instantly after it starts, this can cause a tight fork 2 loop. Valid modes are s signer and v verifier. The default is sv. Enter your answer 3 Use only alphanumeric characters, spaces, hyphens, or periods.

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