Cabelas big game hunter 2005 adventures cheats for ps2

Medium Orange 6. Heavy Forest 7. Heavy Orange 8. Full Camo Forest 9. Full Camo Orange Full Winter Full Winter Orange IV.

Career Hunt This Section includes all 6 Regions, and a referance of all the goals in each area. Needleleaf This lace is choked with wolverines. Avoid the southwest corner of this area, Unless you want to face 3 wolverines that want you dead for distubing them Balsam Trail Lots of friendly deer just blissfully ready to walk right in front of you Paper Birch Paths Many sheer clifes to contend with while hunting bobcat.

Treeroot Trail A hilly area with lots Elk. Not a very exciting area. Primary Goals -Take at least 1 Cougar. I don't think it was a great idea to make a densly wooded and mountainous area a home to only brown bears Red Cedar An area with a creek,valleys, and hills. I've noticed the Male bears hang around the valleys, and the Females hang around the hills..

Primary Goals -Take at least 1 Black Bear Secondary Goals -If you talked to vincent at the second checkpoint, visit his cabin along the northern part of the map. Woody Creek Mostly open with a steep mountain where you exit. Try to snipe the Whitetail deer before you leave. Big Antler Clearing Not much of a clearing.. Come on, you know the song! Brislecone Grove Gradual hills with a wolf pack roaming around. Pinion Point Mostly flat, dense forest with a few moose to hunt.

Clean kills only. Secondary Goals -None Next area-Muskeg Moors xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx B. Muskeg Moors A giant swamp lake with an island in the middle with Elk. Swampy Britches Dense woods in a swampy setting. Moose seem to like it around here, too.

Bald Bog Fairly flat area with a few hills. Cattail Mire Kill 3 Bobcat after speaking with Allen. Murky Fen Whitetail Deer wander the flat, slightly dense area. Primary Goals -Talk to the Warden about the tournament. Secondary Goals -Take the monster buck deer. Next area-Raspy Gulch xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx C.

Raspy Gulch Hilly, desert area with bighorn sheep. Riptorn Valley This area has a sheer cliff on one side, making a "bowl" shape leading to the next area. Dead Man's Crossing A very hilly area with Pronghorn. Krueger's Folley After speaking with Mike, kill the 3 coyotes on his land.

Blistered Dunes A bowl like area with a giant rock to the south of the area. Fire Pit Another bowl like area, this time with Deer. Hot Hearth Canyon A large, open plain with a pillar like rock in the center. Primary Goals-Talk to the Warden about the contest.

Take 1 Desert Mule Deer with a clean shot from within yds. Secondary Goals -None Next area-Blowingleaf Feilds xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx D.

Waving Green Open and hilly area. Washing Downs Open and even more hilly area. Shining Prairie Open area with a river going through the middle. Rolling Hills Open very hilly area Acorn Knolls A small, open, less hilly area.

Getting tired of hilly, open areas? Bison Ridge Gee, I wonder what kind of animal resides here. Tule Feilds A few hils that can get annoying hunting Elk here Especially when your firearm is not sighted right.

Seanner Pass A very steep valley to one side, with mountains on the other side. Triplet Peaks Very mountainous HAD to come here Cloudy Mts. Spiked Rock Creek Still many steep areas, but more open than the others. Highland Divide A small ridge with a lake in the middle of the map. Alaskan Guide 4. Alaskan Guide 6. Alaskan Guide 10x42 Binoculars 5. Alaskan Guide Spotting Scope 6. Laser Rangefinder C. Calls and Lures 1.

Doe Estrus 2. Urine Scent 3. Scent Cover 4. Rattling Antlers 5. Grunt Call 6. Bleat Call 7. Predator Call 8. Moose Call 9. Deer Feeder Salt Lick Decoys D. Equipment 1. Light Tent 2. Medium Tent 3. Heavy Tent 4. Tree Stand 5. Tripod 6. Ground Blind 7.

Med Kit 8. Hydration Bladder 9. Daily Rations Self-Heating Meal E. Clothing 1. Light Forest 2. Light Orange 3. Light Desert 4. Medium Forest 5. Medium Orange 6. Heavy Forest 7.

Heavy Orange 8. Full Camoflauge Forest 9. Full Camoflauge Orange Full Winter Full Winter Orange IV. Animals In this section, I will show each animal and show where they can be found, by EXACT area. Career Hunt This Section includes all 6 Regions, and a reference of all the goals in each area.

Needleleaf This lace is choked with wolverines. Avoid the southwest corner of this area, Unless you want to face 3 wolverines that want you dead for disturbing them Balsam Trail Lots of friendly deer just blissfully ready to walk right in front of you Paper Birch Paths Many sheer cliffs to contend with while hunting bobcat.

Treeroot Trail A mostly hilly area with lots Elk. Not a very exciting area. Primary Goals -Take at least 1 Cougar. Secondary Goals -Participate in the hunting contest 6. I don't think it was a great idea to make a densely wooded and mountainous area a home to only brown bears Red Cedar An area with a creek, valleys, and hills. I've noticed the Male bears hang around the valleys, and the Females hang around the hills.

Keep this in mind! Primary Goals -Take at least 1 Black Bear Secondary Goals -If you talked to Vincent at the second checkpoint, visit his cabin along the northern part of the map. Woody Creek Mostly open with a steep mountain where you exit. Try to snipe the Whitetail deer before you leave. Big Antler Clearing Not much of a clearing Come on, you know the song! Primary Goals -Take at least 1 Grizzly Bear Secondary Goals -Kill the three wolves in this area to lower the overpopulation of them Bristlecone Grove Gradual hills with a wolf pack roaming around.

We hope information that you'll find at this page help you in playing Cabela's Big Game Hunter Adventures on Playstation 2 platform. If you didn't find needed cheats put request or ask question about this at special section of the game.

Also you can subscribe on all new cheats that we'll find for you in the future! Tag it! This game sucks and there are no cheat codes for this damn game so stop looking now ive looked for three days straight and all i could find was "the best equipment to take on the first hunt" Tag it! Hot Cheats :. Sorry, to fulfil this action you have to be CheatsGuru User. Make your own CG account! What is CelebrityGamerZ? X-Ray scope Get all the tags in a level, then play that area again in Quick Hunt mode.

Bonus hunters Complete an area in career mode, save the game and exit. Longer quick hunt mode In quick hunt mode, once you shoot the animal you are hunting, do not claim it. Never get kicked out When you get a violation for hunting a non-game animal, just go to your trophy room. Find and kill animals faster Enter a level, then hop on your vehicle and go to the red dot that indicates an animal. Steam achievements Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement.

Arsenal: Buy all firearms and bows. Big Pile Of Small: Hunt small game in campaign mode. Bloodhound: Collect animal tracks. Call Of The Wilderness: Successfully use any type of call 25 times.

Caribou Expert: Complete all Caribou hunts in the Northeast region. Collector: Complete your collection in trophy viewer with all animal types.


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